
The 7 best easy-care houseplants, say experts

Creating a garden at home can be intimidating, but there are many reasons why adding some green to your space can be worthwhile. Studies have shown that houseplants can lower your stress levels, lift your mood, and improve your focus and productivity, which is important if you continue to live and work at home.

You also don't need a lot of time, space, or light to grow your own indoor garden . In fact, some plants prefer low light and infrequent watering. Easy-care plants don't require daily maintenance or complicated setup to thrive, said Erin Marino , director of brand marketing at online plant retailer The Sill . "You can take it into your room, put it in a place where it gets natural sunlight, water it once a week and enjoy it," he said.

If you live in an apartment or house with little natural light, or just want something with less maintenance, there are many houseplants to choose from. We've consulted gardening experts to learn about the best houseplants for a variety of uses, and we've rounded up some tips on how to make your green spaces function.

The best easy-care houseplants

Ready to grow? According to the experts we spoke to, these are some of the best low maintenance houseplants.

The bird's nest fern is known for its wavy leaves that grow from a central rosette and thrives in almost dry soil, but not fully, in medium to bright indirect light, Marino said. This plant only needs watering every one to two weeks and is considered non-toxic so it can be safely kept with your pets.

The majesty palm is a tropical palm with elegant, pinnate fronds that tend to grow upright from the trunk before arching at the ends to form a large crown. The easy-care plant is non-toxic and can grow up to 3 meters high. The Majesty Palm grows in indirect to direct light, with watering every one to two weeks when the soil is almost dry but not completely dry.

This tropical plant is easy to care for and is known to be hardy indoors. According to Marino, it can handle a wide range of lighting conditions, but is happiest in bright indirect light when watered every one to two weeks. Like many of the other low-maintenance houseplants on this list, the parlor palm is considered pet-friendly and non-toxic.

Marino's recommended low-maintenance philodendron has heart-shaped leaves and fast-growing creeping vines. Its long, lush vines can easily be pruned and propagated in the water if they are too long. This plant prefers medium to bright indirect light (although it can tolerate little light) with watering every one to two weeks.

Jean Berg, Managing Director of Philips Interior Plants & Displays , recommended Pothos with fast-growing vines that can be over 3 meters long. These plants, which can thrive in almost any indoor space, prefer medium to bright indirect light, but can also tolerate little light. You can water your pothos every week or two, and if the vines get too long just prune them quickly.

Snake Plant, recommended by Aaron Steil , a horticultural specialist at Iowa State University, is a succulent plant that can tolerate medium to bright light. It can help purify indoor air by filtering out toxins like formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene, according to Marino. If you travel frequently, this plant can be a great option: it can be without water for two or three weeks, or until its leaves start to fold.

Steil also recommended the ZZ plant, a succulent that is native to drought-tolerant arid regions. According to Marino, the plant has large potato-like rhizomes that store water to help the plant survive droughts in its natural habitat. You can leave it in a place with medium indirect light and water it every three weeks when the soil is completely dry.

How to buy the right houseplant

Before making a decision to purchase plants, evaluate your space based on factors such as light and humidity, which determine the growing conditions for the plants. If you are unsure about the amount of light in your room, decide which room to place the plant in and determine the direction of your windows, the amount of artificial light, and if something is outside. That could block sunlight, says Iceberg. It is also important whether the sun hits the plants directly, for example through a south-facing window, or indirectly.

Even if you spend a lot of time at home, you should also consider how often you will be out in the future. Like pets, plants need care, even those that require little care. Most can go without water for a week or two, but if you're traveling for long periods of time, consider a plant that will thrive in arid conditions. Price is another thing to consider: while most houseplants are relatively affordable, costs vary based on the variety, size, health, and location of the plant.

When buying, pay attention to the appearance of the plant itself. You want a healthy, sturdy plant with green leaves and healthy stems, said Steil. Avoid plants with brown spots and excessively wet or dry soil.

How to take care of inner plants.

Growing plants is not easy, so the most important thing is to be patient while you take care of your plants. "If you want to start growing plants indoors, start small and start with the most common and easiest to grow plants; they are common for a reason, "said Steil. "Once you are successful with these plants, you can start growing your indoor garden. Keep in mind that it will take a few weeks for your new houseplant to adapt to the conditions in your home. So give her a little time and don't worry if a leaf or two falls off.

Once you have your plant home, you need to make sure that you are taking care of it properly. Marino gave some tips for growing plants indoors:

  • Overwatering is better than overwatering . Overwatering is one of the easiest ways to kill a plant. You might be tempted to water your plants on a strict schedule, but it is best to only water when necessary. Always check the soil before watering - if it is still wet, wait to water. Be aware that outdoor seasonal changes can disrupt your plant's indoor watering schedule. For example, most houseplants need less water in the winter when they are semi-dormant, but if you blow the heater through all winter and the air is dry, the soil can fail. They dry faster and may need more water. .
  • Consistency is the key . Choose a day of the week to always check your plants. "Plants love consistency and hopefully avoid overwatering which is the end of most houseplants," added Berg.
  • Keep the environment stable . Most houseplants, like us, are most comfortable between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Extremely hot or cold temperature fluctuations can stress you. Avoid placing plants near temperature hazards such as vents, radiators, and open exterior doors or windows that could create hot or cold drafts.
  • Avoid excessive grooming . Less is more when it comes to caring for most plants. Plants are more adaptable than you think, said Marino. During the long winter months when most tropical houseplants are dormant, prepare for them to shed some leaves; that is normal. A natural process of seasonal fall occurs when plants don't get enough sunlight to support their current leaves.

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