
Student: 5 Surprising Tips for How To Clean Your Microwave Properly! - HiTech-Wiki

If you're a college student and don't like toxic products, here are 5 tips for profitable microwave cleaning.

If you are a student this article is for you. Today the editors reveal 5 surprising and must-have tips to properly clean your microwave. MCE TV tells you everything from A to Z!

As clean as a new penny for student dormitories

If you are a student and have just moved into new accommodation, don't panic! The editors promise to give you advice.

First of all, to keep your interior clean. Uh yeah! At MCE TV, we know that combining assessments, courses, and exams is not always easy.

So much so that small daily actions sometimes fall by the wayside. However, living in a healthy and comfortable environment often enables greater academic success.

Hence, it is important to be in control. From the beginning. To do this, we recommend that you set a schedule and not let the tasks pile up.

That's not all! In order not to waste time, it is advisable to clean in between. So don't forget to take a squeegee with you for showering.

Also, clean the rag every time you use the sink . And always remember to order after cooking.

And if you have a little problem with this room in your dormitory, here are a few tips. Here are 5 surprising tips to properly clean your microwave. MCE TV tells you more!

Student: 5 Surprising Tips for How To Clean Your Microwave Properly!
Student: 5 Surprising Tips for How To Clean Your Microwave Properly!

For a microwave like new

Cleaning the microwave is one of the worst kitchen chores. In fact, as the Health + editorial team reported, the latter is often associated with the use of chemicals.

And if you, as a student, prefer to do without such liquids, our classmates have found the solution. Here are 5 tips to help keep this article clean.

Lemon juice and hot water

Lemon is one of the most popular citrus fruits among home addicts. Uh yeah! The latter is very effective against dirt. So it goes without saying that you can use it to clean your microwave oven.

Couldn't be easier! All you have to do is bring a lemon, a clean tea towel, and a bowl of water. All you have to do is pour the lemon juice into the water and turn on your device. 3 minutes at full power.

Then let it rest for 5 minutes. And there you have it. Then take the cloth and rub it. The dirt should come off easily. A perfect, affordable advice if you are a student.

Dishwashing liquid

This trick doesn't require a lot of hardware either. A sponge and liquid detergent should therefore be sufficient.

Water and baking soda

For this trick, all you need to do is make a paste with baking soda and water. This tip is perfect for burns.

White wine vinegar

As with dish soap, all you have to do is dip the sponge in vinegar water.


Finally, last tip and last but not least. Just put a small clay stone on a damp cloth to clean your microwave oven!

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