
Loofah Plant: Cultivation, Care, Care Tips & More - MindBodyGreen

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The loofah plant.

Loofahs, also known as luffa or luffa, are tropical vines in the cucumber family. Two of the most common species are Luffa aegyptiaca from Asia, usually collected for food, and Luffa acuntangular from North Africa, usually collected for its dried sponge.

All loofahs are native to warm tropical regions, making them a sun-loving plant that grows best in warmer climates. And it will grow. If a luffa vine is happy in its environment, it can grow over 30 feet tall in a single season and produce 50 large squashes (each 1 to 2 feet tall) and an abundance of pollinator-friendly yellow flowers .

Luffa can take up to 200 days to produce gourds, so patience is essential with this plant. Once you see the gourds, you can pick them as ripe fruit or leave them to dry on the vine and use as sponges.

This vigorous vine should be planted near a trellis or fence strong enough to support the weight of your bountiful harvest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sunlight requirement:

Prefers direct, bright sun.

When to water:

Set up once a week


Produces edible fruits and sponges, has pretty yellow flowers that are hardy and fun to watch grow.

The disadvantages:

May overgrow adjacent plants that are difficult to grow in colder climates

Where to put them:

In a large, sunny spot away from other vines.

accept animals?

Yes, but dried loofah gourds can upset a pet's stomach if they get inside.


Vines can grow over 20 feet tall


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How to plant and cultivate it.

You can get loofah seeds at your local nursery or buy them online . Hopefully you only have to shop once as each loofah gourd can hold up to 350 seeds.

Because loofahs are sun-loving plants, gardeners living in USDA zones 7 and above will have better luck with them, says Sarah Barbosa , a farmer and loofah seller who lives in Texas. While she notes that those in cooler zones (up to around zone 5) can grow loofah, her plants don't produce as many healthy gourds.

Those living in colder climates will also need to grow their seeds indoors or in a mini greenhouse eight to 12 weeks before spring begins in their area. Expect germination to take around 21 days. Once the last frost arrives, you can place the sprouted loofah in the ground under a trellis or sturdy structure for it to climb.

Barbosa learned the hard way that a thin trellis cannot support the weight of this vine as it matures. He now uses super strong galvanized steel bovine plates to support his sprawling loofah garden. Florida-based loofah breeder Jeannie Schmidle has also had success installing her loofah next to an established piece of black bamboo.

"It's a very productive plant, but you need space," adds Barbosa, who recommends leaving at least a few feet of space on all sides of your loofah plot so she can spread her lush, green vines. Because the loofah has a fairly compact root system, you can plant some of your seeds fairly close together, about a foot apart.

Take care of the plant.

barbasa and Schmidle says that once your loofah is in the ground, there's not much you need to do to keep him happy, especially if you live in a hot climate. Just keep these maintenance tips in mind:


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Sunlight and Temperature:

It is almost impossible to give this plant too much heat and sun. "You can grow it in the sun if you really try. It will take the heat," jokes Barbosa.

"The only downside on the other end is that it will die of frost," he adds, so you really should wait until any threat of frost in your area has passed before planting your loofah in a spot in your yard that gets a lot gets from direct sunlight.

It's also important to note that luffa plants have a long growing season; It may take about 200 days before they are ready for collection. This is another reason why those who live in warm climates most of the year will have more success with this plant.


Shmidle points out that loofah plants like moist soil but are fairly drought tolerant. Once you first put it in the ground it tends to need more water, but once its vines really start to grow you can water it about once a week .


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Space required:

"Because it's a vigorous climber, it loves to climb and can climb very quickly," says Shmidle. "You have to give him space."

You shouldn't place your loofah near other climbing plants because it can easily reach them. Barbossa says he can grow smaller plants like tomatoes and herbs under his loofah trellis.

"Luffa is one of those plants that once it grows, there's no real rhyme or reason for where it's growing," she says, so she and Schmidle recommend treating your first season as a time of experimentation that gives you a Can give idea of ​​the needs of this unique crop.

When the plant is ready to harvest.

Your luffa plant will start blooming after 90 days in the sun, and 90 days after that when fruit comes into play. Donc, si vous plantez votre luffa en avril, vous devriez être prêt à récolter in September.

A ripe loofah squash is 1 to 2 feet long and looks like a large cucumber. At first, these gourds are dark green, and as they dry, they turn from dark green to light green, yellow to dark brown.

hands opening ripe luffa plant

Image by Narcissa / iStock


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If you are growing loofah for food, you should harvest it early, at that dark green stage while the fruit is soft to the touch. At this point it should still be moist enough to be comfortable to eat. The longer the loofah stays on the vine, the drier it gets. These growing loofah sponges should wait until the fruit is completely brown. If your squash falls off the bush before this point, you can leave it out in the sun for a few days until it's completely dry.

Once your loofah is dry, you can remove the bottom tip and shake out the treasure trove of seeds stored inside. To get at the spongy, fibrous material, Barbosa recommends soaking the loofah in water for a few minutes until the tough outer layer peels off easily.

If you notice slimy sap on your sponge, Schmidle says you can soak it in a 50/50 mixture of water and vinegar, rub it in well, and leave it in the sun for a few days until it's clean, dry, and ready to use.

Use the vegetable sponge at home.

Loofah sponges are soft on the outside and a little rougher on the inside, making them a great tool for all kinds of chores around the house. Here are some ways like Barbossa and Schmidle uses his booty:

  • Self- care: Use scissors or a serrated knife to cut your loofah into exfoliating sponges that you can apply to your face or body .
  • Cleaning: Use your loofah like a natural sponge to clean floors, dishes or hard surfaces.
  • Crafts: Replace artificial moss with loofah in art projects or use the plant material as an alternative to pesky peanuts.
  • Gardening: Cut a loofah in half and use as a biodegradable starter for seedlings .
  • Farming: Barbossa donates any Loofahs he can't use to a local pig rescue. It turns out that some farm animals like to nibble on the fibrous material.
  • Decoration: When dry, the loofah resembles a sea sponge and can be a beautiful , nature-inspired interior decoration .
dried loofah sponge in wicker bowl on brown table

Image from Memories /iStock

Loofah sheeting can also be used as a mulching material or soil amendment. And any part of the plant that you don't use can be thrown on your compost heap .

Eat loofah.

Once you've removed the green loofah from the vine, use a vegetable peeler to remove the skin and slice through the fruit to reveal the white, seedless flesh inside. It looks like a cucumber but feels a little softer. Barbosa says the flavor is somewhere between cucumber, zucchini and okra.

"You can eat it raw like a cucumber or sauté it like a zucchini," he notes. "Even if you eat it, you can enjoy it in many ways!" Many Asian cultures also incorporate loofah into soups and stews, and Schmidle adds that he's heard it makes a super tasty marinade .

Take away sale.

If you live in a warm climate and have a sunny garden, the versatile, edible, and easy-care loofah is for you. Those who live in colder climates may find this plant more difficult to care for, but hey, you can always try a pineapple or avocado tree instead.

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