
Tips for preventing recurring fungal infections in summer; An expert gives his opinion – HerZindagi

The summer season means that you are exposed to an immense amount of sweat, dust and harmful rays of the sun. This causes numerous skin diseases and fungal infections such as athlete's foot, eczema and ringworm, which result in discomfort, redness, itching and swelling. Fungi prefer warm, moist conditions and reproduce primarily in the armpits, fingers and nails.

To learn more about these skin infections and how to treat them, we spoke to Dr. Rupika Singh, MBBS, MD, dermatologist and founder of Akiya Aesthetics .

Tips for preventing fungal infections in summer

pay attention to hygiene

Poor hygiene is the main cause of fungal infections. Shower daily, wipe off excess sweat, and wear clean clothes regularly during the summer. Be sure to use clean bath towels, pillowcases and sheets to prevent the transfer of bacteria. Our expert advises: "Keep your personal hygiene products separate from others, such as hairbrushes, towels, razors, etc. »

Prevention of fungal infections through hygiene

Wear comfortable clothing

In summer, wear loose cotton clothes to feel comfortable. Cotton provides breathability, absorbs sweat and keeps you dry. Avoid synthetic fabrics as they stimulate sweat production.

Add probiotics to your diet

Dr. Singh says, "Probiotics contain good bacteria that help fight fungal infections. » She recommends yogurt and fermented foods like idli and dosa to prevent fungal infections.

Prevent fungal infections

Wear comfortable shoes

Be sure to wear comfortable shoes ( tips for cleaning white shoes ) made of breathable materials. Our expert advises against wearing the same shoes two days in a row so that they can air out between uses. If your feet sweat a lot, consider wearing moisture-wicking socks and changing them as needed throughout the day. Wear sandals and flip-flops to increase skin breathability.

Don't miss: Tips to keep your skin hydrated this summer; A skin expert gives his opinion

Treat infections quickly

Dr. Singh says: "If you notice signs of a fungal infection such as redness, itching or peeling of the skin, treat it immediately to prevent it from getting worse. » Antifungal creams ( anti-aging creams ), ointments and sprays can be effective against minor infections. However, if the infection persists, see a doctor for treatment. "Avoid over-the-counter topical steroids such as Quadriderm cream, Betnovate or Tenovate," he added.

Prevent fungal infections. Antifungal creams

Clean and disinfect your surroundings regularly

Fungi can persist on surfaces and clothing. Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces in your home and wear clean clothing, towels, pillowcases, etc. Cleaning can help prevent fungal infections.

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