
10 tips to overcome winter allergies in the UAE

(MENAFN - Dubai PR Network) The coldest weather has caused a number of seasonal allergies in the UAE. Sara Alsn, Senior Purpose Officer at Blueair, gives preventive tips for fighting seasonal respiratory diseases

As the UAE reports single-digit temperatures, residents are preparing for a sudden outbreak of respiratory allergies and asthma attacks caused by climate change. As fog and rain coincide with the autumn pollen season, the situation could be more difficult for those prone to atmospheric triggers. Unfortunately, even staying with the windows closed won't bring much relief to the allergens that are found in people's homes in hair, shoes, clothes, and pets. In fact, indoor air can be up to two or five times more polluted than indoor air, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The good news is that there is help and Blueair, a global leader in air purification solutions, has outlined the most important steps to prevent hay fever and allergic rhinitis.

1. Aspirate regularly

An effective way to remove allergens such as pollen, sand particles, dust, skin flakes and the microorganisms contained therein is the frequent use of a vacuum. Use a sealed unit with a bag to trap dust so it doesn't return to the air. Also make sure that the machine has a highly efficient air filter (HEPA). These eliminate at least 99.97% of the ultra-small particles that cause health problems.

2. Clean floors and surfaces

Air allergens are small invisible areas that fly around your house. These particles are found like dust in floors, furniture and other surfaces. A duster simply multiplies these allergens. Therefore, clean the table tops and other surfaces with a damp microfiber cloth and clean your floors regularly.

3. Plan to clean the ventilation slots in your home

Vacuum and clean the ventilation slots in your home regularly, preferably with a damp cloth and an organic cleaner. If you suspect the vents are mold or insect, or clogged, you may need to consider professional air duct cleaning.

4. Use an indoor air purifier

According to the EPA, indoor air contains many undesirable contaminants, from gas burners and cigarette smoke to paint emissions, upholstery and air fresheners. Air purifiers are still the most effective way to remove these contaminants. Blueair devices use HEPASilent technology, which removes 99.97% of all harmful particles in a room, so you can sleep well, wake up happily and concentrate all day, even if you have hay fever. When purchasing an air purifier, check the approvals of the health organizations. Asthma Allergy Nordic, the association of allergy and asthma organizations, recommends Blueair Classic models for people who are sensitive to allergens such as dust and pollen.

5. Invest in dust mite covers

Dust allergies are often a reaction to dust mites, to microscopic creatures that live in their litter boxes and carpets and feed on dead skin. By wrapping their pillows and mattresses in mite protective covers, mites cannot access their food source and prevent waste products and body parts that are already on the mattress from getting into the air.

6. Check the temperature and humidity.

Keep the indoor temperature below 21 ° C and the relative humidity in your house below 50% so that mites and other microorganisms do not thrive. These common indoor air allergens do not work well under these conditions.

7. Take off your shoes after entering the house.

The shoes transport dust, pollen and other allergens home, which is why Arab and Asian companies traditionally leave their shoes on the door. Clean your shoes on a mat or leave them near the door to reduce indoor air pollution.

8. Wear a face mask outside

Face masks are rare outside of Asia, but they can be an effective way to filter pollen out of the air you breathe. A good face mask can make outdoor life bearable again if the pollen count is high.

9. Check allergen values ​​online

Several websites, including the government-recommended Plume Air report, track and update air quality and pollen count in the United Arab Emirates. Air pollution leads to an increase in atmospheric particles and an increased risk of allergies. If you live in a big city, you may prefer not to travel at rush hour.

10. Clean the air in your car

You may not notice, but the air in your car can be up to 15 times more polluted than outside. According to experts from the United Arab Emirates, poor air quality in cars is caused by vehicle exhaust gases, microscopic particles, silicon dioxide crystals, bacteria and mites. An on-board air purifier with HEPASilent technology such as Blueair Cabin Air filters 99.97% of these impurities.


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