
Eleven. Cosmetics Simple tips to wash your face | Beauty POPSUGAR

One of the best things I've ever done for my skin was to invest the time and energy into perfecting my facial cleansing routine. After all, it's considered a fundamental and essential step in skincare, and for good reason. Cleansing helps rid the skin of dirt, makeup residue, and excess oil that can clog pores, and helps other skin care products (like moisturizers, toners, and serums) absorb more easily into the skin and work their magic.

Honestly, once I started adjusting my techniques and considering my skin type when choosing a cleanser, my skin thanked me in the form of fewer breakouts, less dryness, and a lot less irritation. Of course, it still sucks to do it before bed when I'm exhausted, but I can tell you that the extra two minutes to take care of my skin has never disappointed me.

While everyone's skin needs different things (and you should keep those needs in mind when setting up your routine!), here are some super simple face wash rules that I personally always follow.

I remove my bangs

Okay, this might seem like a no-brainer, but pulling up my bangs with a bobby pin or headband, like the Pure Silk Headband Slip ($69), was a game changer in my hair and skincare routine. Especially when I wash my face in the sink, they prevent my bangs from falling into my products and allow me to effectively clean every part of my forehead down to the hairline.

I do a double cleaning

Before I break into my creamy cleansers at night (which I'll talk about next), I use a micellar water pad and makeup remover to remove all makeup. I've found that holding the soaked pad to my lashes before gently removing it helps prevent clumps and irritation around my eyes. I also try to take my time here so as not to wake up with mascara under my eyes.

To make this process a little more environmentally friendly, I plan my cotton balls against reusable pads like Elf Cosmetics Cleansing Cloud Duo ($ 6) exchange .

I choose super gentle and moisturizing facial cleansers.

Since my skin is sensitive and dry, I have to be very careful about the type of cleansers I use. The wrong formula can expose me to more dry patches and irritation.

Basically, I never want my skin to feel tight or be deprived of the moisture it needs after washing my face. For my morning and evening cleansing sessions, I tend to opt for gentle, fragrance-free, cream-based formulas infused with moisturizing ingredients like hyaluronic acid and ceramides, similar to Elf Cosmetics' Pure Skin Cleanser ($9). This new formula is also enriched with soothing Oat Milk and Niacinamide to help reduce the appearance of pores. The new line also includes a moisturizing toner and a fragrance-free moisturizer .

I wash my face with warm water

I'm not proud of it, but I washed my face with pretty hot shower water. It wasn't even particularly comfortable, so I don't know why I picked up this bad habit. FYI, I haven't done this in years. While I still love a hot shower (I know, I know...not good for the rest of my skin either), I now always set the temperature to lukewarm before my morning and evening face wash routine. It helps me prevent my already parched skin from drying out further.

I gently massage in my cleansers and dry my skin

To avoid irritation from rough rubbing and scrubbing, I gently massage my creamy cleansers into my damp skin. I also use even more delicate strokes and less pressure around my eyes. How long I wash my face really depends on whether I'm wearing makeup that day, whether I've just worked out and how dry my skin is, but the process usually takes 45-60 seconds.
Likewise, I never aggressively dry my face with my bath towel. Instead, I gently pat my skin dry to prevent irritation and redness (which I'm prone to).

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