
Cleaning: The "indispensable" tip against mold growth in the apartment - "really effective" | Expresses

can grow almost anywhere, with different strains preferring a variety of environments. Mold is often caused by condensation and is found in the corners of walls, ceilings or cold surfaces. It can find a place in public and private homes, where it can endanger both structures and health. Luckily, no matter what type or location, people can take steps to prevent mold from growing. Two cleaning experts shared the best way to rid of mold and prevent it from growing back.

Nicholas Donnithorne, UK Technical Services Manager at Rentokil Property Care, spoke exclusively to about how moisture is the number one cause of mould.

He said: "A common cause of mold is .

"There's always moisture in the air, even if you can't see it, and when hot air hits a cooler surface and cools quickly, it can't hold all the moisture and small droplets of water form: that's condensation.

"Moisture production is caused by everyday activities, from cooking to showering.

"On average, a family of four produces 24 liters of water vapor per day.

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Nicholas said: "Most of the time, simply making sure your property has adequate ventilation solves the problem.

"While it may seem counterintuitive, especially in cold weather, opening the window and letting humid air out as often as possible can be very effective, especially in bathrooms if you don't have a range hood.

"Other solutions to stopping condensation include avoiding drying clothes indoors when possible and making sure furniture doesn't block radiators.

"Dehumidifiers are not a solution to real problems and it must be remembered that they fill up with water quickly before they need to be emptied."

Jamie Woodhall, Technical and Innovation Manager at Rentokil Specialist Hygiene , also spoke exclusively to about how best to deal with mold growth.

He said: "When it comes to mold in the home, it's important to take a multi-faceted approach.

"Unless the root cause is identified and addressed first, all the chemicals and cleaning products in the world will not be effective.

"So make sure you have fully assessed the issue before purchasing any products to clean it."

Jamie shared that dehumidification is the "essential" trick to dealing with mold.

He said: "When it comes to dealing with mould, dehumidifying the area in question is vital, but chemicals can also be used to treat mold that is already established.

"The use of a biocidal product is essential as these usually contain an active ingredient that helps eliminate and/or prevent the growth of unwanted organisms.

"When you are looking for an effective biocidal product, always look at the label first – it tells you what the product has been shown to be effective against and whether it contains an active ingredient that is effective against moulds. .

"Mold and mold spores can be difficult to destroy, so your top priority is a product that has been independently tested and shown to be effective against them.

"Mold infestations can often appear on visible surfaces in the home, such as bathroom walls and ceilings.

"Mould stains can persist even after treatment, and in these cases painting the affected area after an effective treatment, or in extreme situations replacing the material, may be the only way to fully restore the surface."

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