
Inspections and cleaning help keep pests out of your home - The Columbian

When the weather turns cold, some pests may invade your home in search of warmth and food.

U.S. Census data shows that about 14 million of America's 124 million homeowners said they saw roaches in their homes last year, and nearly 15 million said they saw mice or rats.

The National Pest Management Association offers these tips on how to prevent infestations of certain critters in your home during the winter months.

Here are the pests homeowners should watch out for:


House mice, the most common rodent in the United States, typically nest in dark areas such as attics and basements. They can cause serious property damage by chewing on drywall and wire, and have been known to spread diseases like salmonella and tapeworm.

Tips to keep mice away:

  • Seal cracks and holes on the outside of your home with joint compound and steel wool.
  • Keep areas clear and do not store boxes on the floor as mice like to hide in clutter.
  • Check your home regularly for signs of mice such as droppings, bite marks, or distressed food.

The rats

Like mice, rats often hide in basements and on piles of rubble. They have been known to eat through almost anything, including plastic or lead pipes, for food and water. Rats are also carriers of many diseases such as jaundice and rat bite fever.

Tips to keep rats away:

  • Check the exterior of your home for any holes or cracks and fill them with grout.
  • Eliminate sources of moisture in the crawl space and basement.
  • Check the inside of your home for signs of an infestation, such as: B. Greasy abrasion marks from the greasy fur of a rat.


These small black or brown ants live in large colonies and forage for food, making houses the perfect habitat for them. Commonly found in kitchens and bathrooms, they can contaminate food sources and spread bacteria. While they won't cause any structural damage to your home, they are a nuisance.

Tips to keep ants away:

  • Keep your counters and floors free of crumbs.
  • Vacuum your home regularly and dispose of rubbish properly.
  • Check your kitchen and bathroom areas, especially under cabinets and cracks along walls and floors.

be crazy

Spiders like to spin webs in quiet places, like closets, attics, basements, and basements. They can bite and inject venom if disturbed, making them dangerous to humans.

Tips to keep spiders away:

  • Keep trees and shrubs away from your home to reduce the risk of spiders getting in.
  • Store clothes and shoes in plastic containers.
  • See a doctor if you think you have a spider bite.


Raccoons are commonly found in forested areas in the east of the country. They occasionally enter homes through attics or chimneys, and often transmit rabies.

Tips to keep them away:

  • Store your trash cans and recycling bins in enclosed areas. Use pet-proof covers when storing outdoors.
  • Inspect the exterior of your home for access points such as broken vent covers or loose clapboards.
  • Install a mesh cover or lid over chimneys and other exposed openings to prevent intrusion.

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