
16 uses of salt without cooking | HowStuffWorks - Home & Garden

Surely you have a salt shaker on your table or in your spice cabinet. It is by far the most popular spice for a number of reasons. Salty is one of five tastes that humans can distinguish (the others are bitter, sweet, sour, and umami, or salty). Therefore, salt enhances our food by significantly enhancing its natural taste.

Salt is chemically NaCl and was a rare commodity for centuries. It has been used as currency and as a brine solution for a food preservative . Today it is inexpensive and can be used for all kinds of uses that don't involve cooking. Check out this handy list of amazing uses for good NaCI that are "worth it".

In the garden

  • kill poison ivy. A strong salt water solution can kill an infestation of poison ivy plants. Using a garden sprayer, apply a mixture of 1 cup (236 milliliters) salt and 1 gallon (3.7 liters) soapy water to the leaves and stems.
  • deter ants. Prevent ants from congregating in your garden by sprinkling common table salt in areas where ants like to congregate. It also works to keep ants out of your home . Sprinkle salt on the path they enter and they will be discouraged from crossing it.
  • Slug those snails. Sprinkle the snails with a large dose of salt to kill them. Wait five minutes and then spray again.
  • Fights cabbage worms. Cabbage maggots eat cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower. To control them, dust their leaves with a mixture of 1 cup (239 milliliters) flour and 1/2 cup (120 milliliters) salt morning or evening when they are damp with dew.

outdoor equipment

  • Deodorizes the canvas. Sprinkle salt in canvas bags that smell musty (or in canvas shoes ); Seal the bag and leave overnight. Empty the salt out the next day and let the bags air out.
  • Removes rust. Make a paste of 6 tablespoons salt and 2 tablespoons lemon or lime juice. Use a dry cloth to rub the paste onto rusty bike handlebars , tire rims, or other outdoor gear. Rinse and dry the areas well.

Health & Beauty

  • Exfoliate your skin. Salt is an excellent exfoliator for the skin and/or face . After showering and while your skin is still damp, sprinkle salt on your hands and rub gently into your skin. The salt removes dead skin cells and promotes blood circulation. Sea salt is best.
  • Soothe itchy skin. A soak in a tub of salt water can be a great relief for itchy skin. Simply add 1 cup (236 milliliters) of table salt or sea salt to your bath water to soften your skin.
  • Cleans and tones. Sea salt facial toner is all the rage , but you can make your own by mixing 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of olive oil in a small bowl. Massage the mixture onto face and neck, taking care to avoid contact with eyes. Continue washing with your usual facial soap.
  • Whiten your teeth. Don't pay for expensive teeth whitening. Make it yourself with sea salt. It's a natural abrasive, so it's gentle for removing stains from teeth. Just brush it once a week.

household cleaning

  • Clean coffee stains. In your coffee maker, add a mixture of 1 cup (236 milliliters) of crushed ice, 1 tablespoon of water, and 4 teaspoons of salt and stir the mixture . Rinse and wash as usual. Use the same method to remove stains from your favorite coffee mugs.
  • Thoroughly clean the oven and stove. Sticky spills are difficult to clean from your oven and stovetop. Make it easier on yourself by sprinkling the spill with salt. Let it sit until the overflow is crispy and you can scrape it off with a spatula. You can also catch spills on the stovetop by sprinkling them with a mixture of salt and cinnamon. Leave it on the stain for about five minutes and then wipe it off.
  • Disinfect the fridge. Simply sprinkle equal amounts of salt and baking soda on a damp sponge and wipe down the inside of your fridge.
  • remove wine stains Sprinkle kosher salt on the stain and leave for two to three minutes, then rinse with cold water.
  • Make your brass shine. Brighten up your brass and copper dishes by mixing 1 teaspoon salt and 1 tablespoon flour with enough vinegar to form a paste . Rub the paste on any brass or copper parts and let dry. Wash with soapy water and buff with a microfiber cloth.
  • Delete watermark. Remove water stains from wood with a paste made from 1 teaspoon of salt and a few drops of water . Gently rub the paste over the ring with a soft cloth until it disappears. Follow with a good furniture polish.

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