
How to get a "sparkly clean oven" without "harsh chemicals": Just steam | Expresses

the is a that many people put off far longer than they should. However, a green cleaning influencer shared a simple path to make your oven "sparkling clean" without using a single chemical.

Tikok user Kate, who posted @My_plastic_free_home under the username, has so far accumulated 22,500 followers and also shares her tips for "green cleaning" on Instagram @My_plastic_free_Home , where she has 134,000 follower.

He explained that he could "have never believed that they could clean their oven without the aggressive chemicals" until he discovered this environmentally friendly trick.

In the video, she reveals how you can remove stubborn dirt with just the power of steam, baking soda and dish soap.

She said: "You have to fill a container with boiling water and put it in the oven for 30 minutes.


"Next, mix 1 tablespoon liquid dish soap and 1 tablespoon baking soda and spread it on your oven door.

"You will immediately see the bottom drop and that is because he was smoking.

"When it's cool, take some crumpled aluminum foil and rub the whole door with it."

In the pictures, after a short scrubbing of the oven door, the aluminum foil is full of dirt.

The expert added: "Instead of using sharp chemicals for a hard -to -clean oven, a container with water is used to dampen the entire oven, which facilitates the cleaning of burned parts.

"Similar to soaking a burnt pan, heat and steam can help loosen stubborn dirt. Ovens can be particularly difficult to clean, but starting with hot water can make life easier.

While the steaming process loosens the dirt, the baking soda provides an extra boost to remove baked-on material.

Baking soda, also known as baking soda, is a natural product and is regularly praised for its versatile cleaning abilities.

This is mainly due to its alkaline pH, which can dissolve organic deposits such as dirt, grease and grime.

In addition, the mineral structure of each particle of baking soda provides a mild abrasive for streak-free cleaning.

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