
When washing dishes by hand. Important tips for saving water

Follow up – Suzanne Hassan

Washing dishes by hand is not considered an economical idea to save water, but there are people who don't have a budget that allows them to buy an expensive dishwasher, so in this article we give you some important washing tips of dishes by hand. Hand. to save energy and water.

1- Use two sinks to wash dishes to save water:
If your sink is divided into two buckets, use them wisely. If not, you can use another plastic bucket next to the sink for best results. Next, you can soak the dirty dishes in a bucket of cold water, dish soap, and a pinch of vinegar (degreaser and stain remover). You can wash the dishes one by one and in the other sink put the water you will use to wash the dishes because you can change the water when washing the dishes when it gets soapy.

2- Save cooking water
Cooking water (vegetables, pasta, rice or eggs) can be very useful. You can let it cool a bit and use it to water the plants (if the water isn't salty) or put it on the weeds while still hot to kill them (especially if they're salty) instead of killing them. You can also use it to soak heavily soiled crockery and cutlery and it will help remove grease and grease, especially if your cooking water is salty and saturated with starch then washing these dishes by hand becomes a breeze.

3- Rinse the dishes with cold water when you have the opportunity:
Of course, cold water doesn't dissolve grease, burnt-in dirt and stubborn dirt like hot water does. You waste more water if you try to wash all your dishes in cold water. However, cold water works for less soiled dishes and cutlery, and you should use hot water to clean pots and dishes that are difficult to wash because they are full of stubborn stains.

4- Remember that all water is precious.
The smallest gesture you make is very important to reduce water wastage. So don't hesitate to let the water run without a good reason, save the cold water that flows while you wait for the running water to warm it up and keep it. in a bowl and you can use it later to wash dishes cleaned with soap, clean the house or even clean the sink after you finish washing.

After all, if you follow these tips, you'll stop wasting water washing dishes by hand, so make sure you follow them.

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