
My Power Performs Winterization and Maintenance Inspections for... - Yahoo Finance

FAIRMONT, West Virginia , Nov. 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- With cold weather ahead, Mon Power, a subsidiary of FirstEnergy Corp, is leading the West Virginia service area this winter.

My Power logo (PRNewsfoto/FirstEnergy Corp.)

My Power logo (PRNewsfoto/FirstEnergy Corp.)

"Our customers depend on a safe and reliable power supply to feel comfortable in the coming months and it is imperative that we take proactive steps to ensure our system and commercial vehicles are well prepared for the challenges of winter said Jim Myers . , President of FirstEnergy's West Virginia operations.

Mon Power Utility personnel inspect substation equipment and winterize substation control buildings to ensure critical components of your system are functioning properly in cold weather.

Electricians also inspect critical components with specialized thermal vision cameras that capture infrared images that can reveal potential problems not visible with regular visual inspections. For example, infrared technology can detect equipment problems such as loose connections and corrosion, and utility workers can make repairs to prevent potential power outages in the future.

Year-round tree pruning also helps manage the rigors of winter operations by maintaining proper clearances around electrical equipment and providing protection from tree pruning from snow, high winds and ice. Mon Power Tree Contractors plan to cut more than 5,200 miles of power lines by 2022.

In addition, shovel trucks and other company vehicles are checked for safe operation during the winter season. Tires and air braking systems, which can freeze in the wet, are carefully checked. In addition, the company ensures that snow removal equipment is available so that employees can safely get to the workplaces and operating facilities.

At its regulated power plants, Fort Martin Power Station and Harrison Power Station, Mon Power has completed plant equipment maintenance and implemented its winterization schedule to ensure optimal performance during the winter months.

Customers can view tips on how to prepare for severe weather ahead of time and receive recovery updates when storms cause outages by visiting FirstEnergy's 24-hour Power Center at www.firstenergycorp.com/outages .

The winter storm season also brings freezing temperatures and rising energy costs. Customers can take steps to keep their homes comfortable while managing their electricity bills during this cold season. The following tips can help customers use electricity wisely during this time of high demand:

  • Set the thermostats as low as comfort allows. Every degree that a customer can reduce the temperature in their home means about 3% less energy consumption in winter.

  • Seal any leaks around windows and door frames with caulking or caulking strips to prevent cold air from entering your home.

  • Close the chimney damper when not in use to keep cold air out.

  • Close the curtains at night. During the day, only open those that receive direct sunlight.

  • Use a programmable or smart thermostat to keep temperatures low when no one is home and raise them before you return home.

  • Check the oven fan filters. Clogged filters waste energy and money by forcing a heating system to work harder than necessary.

  • Make sure your home is properly insulated. If you have less than six inches of insulation, you'll benefit from adding more.

  • Payment terms and utilities are available to customers who need help with their utility bills. Visit www.firstenergycorp.com/bilassist for more information.

Mon Power serves approximately 395,000 customers in 34 counties of West Virginia . Follow My Power on www.mon-power.com , on Twitter @MonPowerWV and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/MonPowerWV .

FirstEnergy is committed to integrity, security, reliability and operational excellence. Its 10 power distribution companies form one of the largest investor-owned power grids in the country, serving customers in Ohio , Pennsylvania , New Jersey , West Virginia , Maryland and New York . The Company's transmission subsidiaries operate approximately 24,000 miles of transmission lines connecting the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions. Follow FirstEnergy online at www.firstenergycorp.com and on Twitter @FirstEnergyCorp .

Editor's note: Photos of workers conducting inspections to improve service reliability for FirstEnergy utility customers can be downloaded from Flickr . Videos of utility personnel conducting a thermal vision inspection are available on the Company's YouTube channel.



View original content for downloadable media: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/mon-power-completing-winter-readiness-inspections-and-maintenance-to-keep-power-flowing-safely-and -reliably-to-customers-301689446.html

SOURCE First Energy Corp.

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