
Expert says £1.50 white vinegar is a 'miracle' carpet cleaner - Leeds Live

A cleaning expert has revealed the €1.50 hack you can use to remove stains and odors from your carpet - the perfect time for the World Cup season when drinks and food are likely to fly during a sudden goal celebration.

Carpets can be among the most difficult household textiles to clean as they obviously cannot be thrown in the washing machine. But Stan Tomov, a carpet cleaner at Fantastic Cleaners, gave a cheap tip on how to keep your carpet in tip-top condition.

Stan recommends a pantry staple that you may already have on hand. And if you don't have one in your kitchen, you can pick one up from most stores for up to £1.50.

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The item Stan recommends is a plain bottle of white vinegar. He says the product helps remove stains and odors from your carpet, whatever the cause.

Stan recommends pouring the vinegar into a spray bottle and spraying it on the carpet where the stain is. For alcohol stains, he said that while the vinegar smells strong, it absorbs and eventually wears away the lingering smell of the alcohol.

To remove unsightly food stains from your carpet, you may need to use something stronger. And Stan recommends a simple mixture of baking soda and water, leave the mixture on the stain for 20 minutes, then rinse the area with a damp cloth.

Do you have any tips for keeping carpets clean? Tell us in the comments!

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