
Your Horror Stories About Beaver Stadium Cleanup | state of development

Now that Penn State's regular football season is over, we've transitioned from the days of watching and cheering for the Nittany Lions at Beaver Stadium to next fall. It also means that for some students, the nightmare of cleaning up Beaver Stadium is ~finally~ over.

A few weeks ago we asked you for your best Beaver Stadium cleanup horror stories. It certainly didn't disappoint, to say the least. Take a look at some of the best stories shared below.

Dennis K.

"The garbage bag I was carrying ripped open at the bottom and I spilled alcohol on my shoes! I did find an unwrapped cookie though, so I'll call that a win.

Brandan R

"The club's baseball team and I were there from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. For some reason they gave five student sections for the 17 people on our team who were there, while clubs with more than 50 students did smaller sections. . They wanted us to pick up every piece of the shaker even if it started raining. We kicked out one kid for talking on the phone and another kid for running in the field. Every time we hit a wall while we were cleaning, a kid would yell "IT'S THE THIRD DDDDDD DOWNNNNN" and we all started screaming and doing it again. We were probably there at least two hours longer than any other club. I'm not very religious, but that's probably how I imagine hell to be.

Natalie C

"First it rained thunder and lightning as we had to clean up Beaver Stadium. Second, we were given barely bristle brooms to try and pick up the wet towels which stuck to the floor and disintegrated when we tried to sweep them up so we had to pick them up with our hands. We were just 15 of us cleaning an entire section and after the clean we asked our 'section manager' to come over and have a look and she pointed out each part of the shaker for us to sweep again. I was responsible for carrying the bags of garbage to the carts that were taken to the landfill. When I picked up the first bag, there was an unknown mixture of liquid that spilled out of the bag onto my shoes. It was so disgusting. My shoes ended up getting soaked in various liquids so let's just say they were thrown away.

We had to clean the club level seats and literally pick up rib bones (didn't know they were treated that well at club level) as well as some other interesting food. The garbage ended up smelling so bad that a girl from our club threw herself off the side of Beaver Stadium. Let's just say it's a Sunday morning we'll never forget, no matter how hard we try.

Colin M

"After a rainy white-out win against Michigan in 2010, my teammates and I from the club soccer team arrived at Beaver Stadium around 7am the following Sunday morning. We were responsible for cleaning a quarter of the stadium to raise money for our program. White streamers were glued to every inch of concrete, and it took almost eight hours to complete. Honestly, my fingers have never felt like this. I wouldn't wish this experience on anyone. »


"In my first year, in the cold October, I had to clean the stadium. When I swept out all the remaining chicken coops, I found $100 in the midst of the mess.

ian s

"I found three bottles of urine"

Editor's Note: Answers have been edited slightly for grammar and clarity.

Dana is a senior studying public relations. It's from 570 and yes he's seen The Office. Her passions in life include drinking unsweetened iced tea and spreading her love of farming (yee haw)!

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