
How to clean plexiglass

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Did you buy a racing car , motorcycle, plane or boat ? Congratulations, hotshot. But know the following before your maiden voyage: Your vehicle is equipped with important transparent parts made of acrylic such as plexiglass or polycarbonate such as Lexan. In order to keep these surfaces flawless and scratch-free, a few simple cleaning rules must be followed.

Despite its name, plexiglass is not glass. It is sold under the brand names Acrylite, Crylux, Lucite and Perspex and is known in particular under the generic term Plexiglas. It is a transparent petroleum-based thermoplastic. Plexiglas is lighter than conventional glass and at the same time stronger.

Lexan polycarbonate is often confused with Plexiglas and has similar thermoplastic properties to Plexiglas, but has higher impact resistance.

Street cars (headlights), motorcycles (windshields), racing cars, airplanes and boats as well as a large number of household items frequently use economical plexiglass or polycarbonate because of their low weight, their strength, their durability and their weight. .

Although cleaning headlight glasses is a separate process, cleaning Plexiglas and polycarbonate windows requires special care to avoid scratches and scratches that impair visibility. The How-To Drive Crack team is here to make your new toy look like a factory. Ready?

The basic concepts

Estimated time : 30 minutes to an hour

Difficulty : beginners

Vehicle system : outside



Working in your car can be difficult, especially when cleaning surfaces that you have never cleaned before. It can also be dangerous. This is what you need to keep your jeans, shirt and skin flawless and your bones intact.

  • Nitrile gloves (to ward off used and irritating chemicals in seat cushions).
  • Long-sleeved shirt to protect your arms.
  • safety goggles

Organizing your tools and equipment so that everything is easily accessible will save you valuable minutes while waiting for your practical child or four-legged assistant to bring you the sandpaper or blowtorch. (You do not need a flashlight for this job. Please do not allow your child to give you a flashlight - ECM)

You also need a flat work area, e.g. B. a garage floor, a driveway or a street parking lot, which is also well ventilated. Check your local laws to make sure you don't violate a code while using the street as we won't pay your garnishment fee.


Everything you need

We are neither media nor do we search your toolbox or your garage. So this is what you need to get the job done.

List of tools

  • Microfiber cloth (any other type of towel will scratch your plexiglass).
  • Plexiglass cleaner (not abrasive, not aromatic and free of ammonia).
  • Razor blade (if applicable).

How to clean plexiglass / polycarbonate in just a few steps

Although the materials can be different at the molecular level, their thermoplastic outer surfaces require identical cleaning methods. Here's to make your life easier!

Now let's do it!

  1. Since dust and surface residues can scratch the surface, blow off dust and surface residues with a hair dryer or clean the surface with water and soap before using cleaning agents.
  2. Take your microfiber cloth and fold it into a small square that is the size of your hand.
  3. Spray one side of the microfiber cloth with a plexiglass / polycarbonate cleaner (do not spray the window).
  4. Wipe the window gently with the wet side of the microfiber cloth from side to side with a very light pressure from: less pressure, better.
  5. After cleaning the area, turn the microfiber cloth to one side that has not been sprayed with the cleaner and gently wipe the plexiglass / polycarbonate again to remove streaks and / or contaminants.
  6. If you need to clean other plexiglass / polycarbonate surfaces or if there are more residues, unfold the microfiber cloth.
  7. Fold the microfiber cloth so that a clean section can be used for additional areas.
  8. Repeat the above process.

You're done, congratulations!


Tips from a professional

These are the professional advice of The Drive for cleaning Plexiglas / polycarbonate.

  • Always use a lint-free microfiber cloth, not a cotton cloth or paper towel. These materials can scratch plexiglass / polycarbonate.
  • Never use a cleaning agent like Windex that contains ammonia in your plexiglass / polycarbonate. Ammonia can break down its chemical bonds and cloud the surface.
  • Similarly, never use a cleaning agent that contains aromatics, isopropyl alcohol, solvents such as acetone, chemical cleaning fluid, or other abrasive cleaners (unless it is a specific plastic enamel).

Everyday tips.

Since you may not be able to access the right tools, we have also put together a list of hacks to make your life easier and to empty your bag less.

  • If a certain piece of dirt or an insect cover does not come off with the plexiglass cleaner and a microfiber cloth, it can be removed with a razor blade. Here are the steps:

    • Moisten the plexiglass / polycarbonate with water.
    • Tilt the blade with a new razor blade so that it is approximately 12 degrees.
    • Carefully scrape the material off the surface, being careful not to scratch it.
    • When you've removed the material, take your microfiber cloth and fold it into a small square that is the size of your hand.
    • Spray one side of the microfiber cloth with a plexiglass / polycarbonate cleaner (do not spray the window).
    • Wipe the window gently with the wet side of the microfiber cloth from side to side with a very light pressure from: less pressure, better.
    • After cleaning the area, turn the microfiber cloth to one side that has not been sprayed with the cleaner and gently wipe the plexiglass / polycarbonate again to remove streaks and / or contaminants.

How often should you clean plexiglass / polycarbonate?

The unwritten rule is: the more you touch your plexiglass / polycarbonate, the more likely it is to scratch and cause irreversible damage. However, if you are very careful with the above steps and treat them with respect, you can clean your plexiglass / polycarbonate when it gets dirty.

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