
This secret washing machine cleaning trick will make your machine shine

If you need a trick to clean the washing machine and you think the dishwasher tip works online, take a break - we have a better, more efficient and safer tip than using a dishwasher.

While there's nothing wrong with using a dishwasher to clean your washing machine once, people have posted amazing pictures of dirt from their washing machines, but it's not so good to do this regularly.

This is because dishwasher tablets contain a number of abrasive ingredients, including enzymes and phosphates, that will perfectly wash your dishes in the dishwasher and literally scrub your washing machine. Long-term use of abrasive ingredients in your washing machine can do more harm than good to the components. That is why we do not recommend it.

Instead, use our washing machine cleaning tip with just two ingredients. They want more? For more tips, see our full washing machine cleaning guide.

Clean your washing machine with epsom salt and vinegar

Epsom salt is an extremely underrated cleaning agent that has been used for generations to treat various skin diseases. If it's good enough for your bathroom, it's certainly good enough for your washing machine.

Epsom salt is very different from table salt; Its chemical composition is magnesium sulfate, which contains magnesium, sulfur and oxygen. The benefits of Epsom salt in your washing machine go far beyond simply washing the salt. Instead, its chemical composition is naturally antibacterial, so the inside of your machine is disinfected rather than scratched.

1) Just add a cup of Epsom salt to half a cup of vinegar or even water and put it straight into the drum.

2) Let the washing machine run as warm as possible, stop the machine at the beginning of the cycle and let the saline solution soak for at least half an hour.

3) Let the machine finish the cycle and enjoy the results.

Then use the rest of your salt in your bathroom or to clean bathroom tiles. Not bad for a single product.

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