
Marie Kondo's student reveals the best tips for cleaning up your house, saying NEVER hang on clothes that you ...

A planning expert recognized by MARIE Condo has published her most important tips to get your home back into boat shape in 2021.

Sally Flower uses the KonMai method developed by the home economics guru to tidy up the guest houses.

Marie Kondo's student Sally Flower reveals her top tips for cleaning up her house
Marie Kondo's student Sally Flower reveals her best tips for cleaning up her house. Credit: Instagram

Speaking to the Daily Mail , Sally said, "When organizing our homes, it's important that we focus on simplicity, not perfection.

"It's so easy to get tangled up in something that Pinterest and Instagram seem worthy.

"But the real purpose of the organization is to make your life easier and to make sure that you do the things you love and that nothing is holding you back."

Now the consultant ConMari has given her best tips to get your home back in shape this year.

Sally says you should NEVER hang up clothes that you are too tall for or items that you feel guilty about
Sally says you should NEVER hold onto clothes that you are too tall for or anything that you feel guilty about. Credit: Instagram

Get rid of the clothes that make you guilty

Sally advises getting rid of anything that makes you feel like junk, whether it's something you're too fat for or something you just don't wear enough because it doesn't bring "joy".

She says, "Listen to your gut: if something doesn't make you happy to wear, wear, or look at, you probably don't need it.

"Disorder goes beyond physical objects: the disorder of activities and thoughts that do not evoke joy.

"Change your wardrobe to suit your body. The reality is that clothes that are too small or too big are unlikely to bring joy and shouldn't be in your wardrobe."

With the help of the Kondo method, which focuses on keeping only those items that "bring joy", Sally is a decent guru.
Keep using the Kondo method that focuses on only the items that "bring joy," Sally is a guru of the order. Credit: Instagram

Save the things that "bring joy"

Sally recommends thinking about which items bring you pleasure or pleasure and throwing away those that you no longer need.

She says, "The point is to reassess how your clothes make you feel and whether they add value to your life. It's time to let go of anything that hasn't grown with you."

"If you get frustrated every time you open your closet, or if you keep complaining that I have nothing to wear, something is wrong and maybe it's because nothing is wrong. It looks like you."

Having an entire "home" in your home will reduce clutter
Giving everyone an assigned "house" in your home will reduce the clutter. Credit: Instagram

Give each item an assigned house

Each of your belongings should have a place in your home, be it out of season clothes, Christmas decorations, or everyday items.

She says, "Always put things away, don't just leave them."

For seasonal items like Christmas decorations or picnic baskets, it says, "Keep it in an easily accessible place, but we won't forget it.

"If you're the type of person who forgets where things are, maybe write a note, make a list, or add a reminder to your journal.

"So you can go back next summer and use whatever you don't lose at home."

Mare Kondo is the author of several bestsellers on storage and organization.
Mare Kondo is the author of several bestsellers on sorting and organizing . Image Credit: Getty - Contributor

Think about why you are clinging to the trash

Does the idea of ​​filling black garbage bags with your old things frighten you?

Sally recommends thinking about why you might have trouble separating from objects you don't love and encouraging people to write down why they have a hard time "letting go" of these "unnecessary" objects.

She says, "Often times, when we get hold of things, it's a mental battle rather than a physical battle, and journaling can help you get out of the mental chaos.

"Be patient, it's a process. Don't follow trends, the joy has to come from how you feel, how you connect to your home and what adds value to your life." The family shrine is tender and not thoughtful. "

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