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CDC just warned you were at greater risk for COVID

Over the past year, health experts have continued to study how COVID-19 is transmitted from person to person. As part of their research, they found that the risk of transmitting COVID-19 varies widely with respect to specific locations and activities. In other words, you are much more likely to infect or spread the coronavirus in certain places or in certain situations. On Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated a page on their official travel website and released a new list of activities they consider to be the riskiest. Below are some of the activities that the CDC says are at higher risk for COVID-19. Read on and don't miss these sure signs that you have previously had coronavirus to ensure your health and the health of others. 1 Traveling to Specific Countries or Territories According to the CDC, traveling from a US country or territory with a Level 2, 3, or 4 Travel Health Advisory is extremely risky. Currently this includes most of the world, yes, the UK, Chile, South Africa, Poland, minus Australia, Greenland, New Zealand, China and some African and Asian countries. 2 Social Gatherings The CDC continued to warn against large social gatherings. This includes weddings, funerals, or other types of parties. Do not approach them or if for any reason you must "wear masks in public places such as public transport and mass transit, at events and meetings, and wherever they are". "other people," advises the CDC. 3 Other mass gatherings CDC specifically designates a sporting event, concert, or parade as a higher risk mass gathering. "A mass gathering is a planned or impromptu event with a large number of people present that could exhaust the planning and response resources of the community hosting the event, such as a concert, festival, conference, or sporting event." , they said. the old times. 4 Go to crowded places Crowded indoor spaces are incredibly dangerous for the spread of COVID. "Being in crowds such as restaurants, bars, gyms or cinemas" is also risky, according to the CDC. If you take public transportation like trains or buses, or are at transportation hubs like airports, there is a risk of COVID, according to the CDC. Why? If you are in close proximity to other people, the virus can potentially spread. RELATED: 7 Tips To Avoid COVID Doctors Say 6 Traveling By Boat Whether You're Traveling On A Cruise Ship Or A Riverboat, You Are At Risk For COVID Ads The CDC Says, "The CDC Recommends Everyone Who D" Avoid traveling around the world on cruise lines, including river cruises, as the risk of COVID-19 on cruise lines is very high. It is especially important that people at higher risk of serious illness avoid traveling on cruise lines, including river cruises. 7 Surviving This Pandemic - Follow Dr Anthony Fauci Basics for Yourself and Help End This Wave no matter where you live - wear a face shield, social distancing, avoid crowds, don't go Going into the house where you don't have protection (especially bars), practice good hand hygiene and always get vaccinated To protect your life and the lives of others, don't go to any of these 35 places that are most likely to get COVID .

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