
Timeless Tips for Extending the Life of Cut Flowers in Vases | State University, Pennsylvania

As the late summer heat envelopes us, the lure of freshly cut flowers from the garden lures us into the house. Whether it's bright zinnias, airy baskets, gorgeous sunflowers or elegant snapdragons, we all strive for their beauty to last longer when they adorn our vases. Rooted Farmstead invites you to discover these general tips that can help you get the most out of every cut flower in a vase and bring the magic of nature into your living spaces.

Time is everything

• Harvest at the right stage: For optimal vase life, cut flowers when they are fully developed but not quite ripe. Flowers that are too young may not open fully, while flowers that are too mature may wilt quickly.

• Choose wisely: Choose flowers with strong stems and bright, flawless petals. Avoid flowers that show signs of damage or wilting at harvest time.

ª Use sharp tools: Always use clean, sharp secateurs or scissors to achieve a clean cut. Dull leaves can crush the stems, preventing water absorption.

• Angle matters: Cut stems at a 45-degree angle to create a cool surface and better water absorption.

• Immediate Placement: Immediately after cutting, place flowers in a bucket of warm water to condition them. Let them sit for a few hours to moisturize before placing them in a vase.

• Remove leaves: Remove leaves that may be submerged in water to prevent bacterial growth and keep the water clean.

Caring for the vase and water.

• Empty vase: Use a clean vase and fill it with cold and warm water. Add a floral preservative to the water, if available, to nourish the flowers.

• Deep watering: Make sure the vase is filled with enough water to submerge at least half the length of the stem. Check the water level daily and refill if necessary.

• Change the water: Change the water and cut the stems again every one to two days. This kills bacteria and allows the flowers to absorb fresh nutrients.

Ideal location

• Avoid direct sunlight: Although flowers require light, direct sunlight can accelerate wilting. Place the vase in a location with bright, indirect light to ensure long-lasting freshness.

• Avoid drafts: Keep flowers away from vents, fans or open windows as drafts can cause drying out and shorten the life of the vase.

• Cool and comfortable: Maintain a comfortable room temperature (around 20°C to 22°C) so that the flowers can thrive longer.

normal size

• Prune dead flowers: Remove flowers that begin to wilt to prevent the buildup of ethylene gas, which can accelerate the aging of other flowers.

• Cut stems: Every few days, cut stems about 1 inch from the ground at a 45-degree angle. This helps maintain water absorption capacity.

With these timeless tips you can ensure that your favorite cut flowers (zinnias, cosmos, sunflowers or snapdragons) from your garden or from our own flower farm will permanently decorate your vases.

Christie Holloway is the owner of Rooted Farmstead, a flower farm and agritourism destination in Bellefonte.

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