
13 household items you can clean with a lint roller

Lint rollers are often used for quick clothing mending and removing dust, lint and pet hair from clothing. But did you know that they can also be used at home? Lint rollers aren't just for removing dog hair from clothes! They can be used to remove dirt from multiple surfaces around your home, making cleaning delicate dirt much easier.

To help you get the most out of this inexpensive tool, we're sharing more than a dozen things you can safely clean with a lint roller. Learn which surfaces and materials you shouldn't roll to avoid potential damage, and get our best cleaning tips to save you time.

1. Wardrobe accessories

In addition to clothes, a lint roller can also be used to quickly tidy up other items in your closet, such as hats, shoes, and bags. Easily removes residue from items that would otherwise be difficult to wash. For example, while most dirty baseball caps or canvas sneakers can be tossed into the washing machine , an expensive wool hat or your favorite pair of suede boots cannot. Instead, carefully run a lint roller over these accessories to remove any accumulated dust before use.

At the end of a long week or day at the beach, get into the habit of emptying your purse , kid's backpacks, or beach bag before using a lint roller to pick up any remaining crumbs, dirt, or sand. Avoid using rollers to clean delicate fabric accessories or trims such as satin or sequins. The same goes for leather as the tape can leave a residue and potentially damage the material.

2. Bedding that is difficult to wash

Pillows , sheets, and blankets should be washed regularly to keep the bed as hygienic as possible. But when it comes to fabrics that are not so easy to clean, you can use a lint roller if necessary. If you notice pet hair or dust on your pillows, duvets or mattresses , use a roller to remove them before they have a chance to multiply. Even if your pillows have removable covers or you use a duvet, rolling the bedding with a lint roller will keep it lint-free between washes.

When your pets don't sleep with you, their own beds become a hotspot for hair, dirt, and anything else they bring with them from the yard. A lint roller can help you control dirt until you can properly wash pet beds. The same goes for stuffed toys and stuffed animals for children; From time to time, clean the dust that accumulates on it with a lint roller.

3. Curtains and curtains

Some curtains can be machine washed depending on the material, but others cannot. There are manual methods for treating stains and cleaning curtains and curtains , for example with a steamer or vacuum cleaner. However, for everyday dust and dirt accumulation, a lint roller is sufficient to minimize the formation of household allergens . As with accessories, as long as the fabric isn't fragile or has delicate details, it's much easier to roll over the panels than to take them down, wash them, and hang them up again. Attack your shower curtains using the same method.

4. Lampshade

Lint rollers can be useful for almost any difficult or impossible-to-wash item around the house. Lampshades have a fairly high status in this category. They are also often neglected when cleaning, but they tend to accumulate a lot of lint and dust. Although there are several ways to successfully clean lampshades , using a lint roller is one of the easiest, especially since a travel-sized version can get between creases or other textured surfaces. As always, use caution when cleaning a fragile blind as the roller adhesive may be too aggressive.

5. Carpets and rugs

It's a hassle to run a lint roller over an entire carpeted room, so we don't recommend trying it. However, you can use a lint roller to vacuum up stubborn dirt, debris, and hair that the vacuum doesn't catch. Like lampshades, a lint roller can reach hard-to-reach areas of a textured carpet . Avoid using a roller on high-pile carpets, such as carpets. B. Sheepskin carpets , as the tape can get stuck and pull on the fibers.

6. Popcorn blankets

Whether they're part of the home or you want to add texture , popcorn ceilings can attract more dust than traditional ceilings. If you occasionally notice cobwebs or lint when you look up, all you need is a lint roller (and maybe a ladder) to remove them. Would you like to tackle a larger roof area? Attach replacement lint rollers to both ends of a paint roller and roll it across the surface. If your textured ceiling is painted a light color, be aware that heavy-duty tape may cause the paint to peel. In general, when cleaning popcorn ceilings, always take precautions to avoid getting the material in your eyes.

7. Upholstered furniture

The sofa is probably the piece of furniture in your home that sees the most wear and tear and therefore requires the most care. In between vacuuming and steam cleaning your couch, use a lint roller to vacuum up hair, dirt, and crumbs left on your couch cushions after a movie marathon. If your sofa (or other upholstered furniture such as an upholstered armchair or headboard ) has padded button details, a mini roller can squeeze into the tight space and catch stubborn dust or dirt.

8. Felt pads

Even your unupholstered furniture can benefit from the power of a lint roller. You may notice dust and hair collecting around the felt pads on the legs of tables and chairs. Although the pads are designed to protect floors , their sticky sides become a magnet for hair and dirt. Before replacing, try running a lint roller over the dirtiest parts and then realigning them so they are centered again on the furniture legs.

9. A pool table

If you have a pool table, you know how important it is to keep it clean. Dust and chalk buildup can not only put a damper on your winning streak, but it can also cause the table to become worn and need to be replaced sooner than expected. Save money and improve your score by carefully running a lint roller over the felt table to pick up debris between games.

10. Your car

You can now store a lint roller in the glove compartment in case of an emergency when traveling in the closet. If not, you should consider adding one. Not only will this keep your clothes lint-free, but a lint roller can also keep the interior of your car clean between trips to the car wash. Run the tape over fabric seats, floors, and carpets to catch crumbs, hair, and more. Don't forget to push it into the crevices of the cushion to catch the dirt that inevitably gets stuck there.

11. Electronics

Using coffee filters to dust your electronic devices is one way to keep them safe and lint-free. However, as single-serve coffee makers become more and more popular, they are no longer essential in every household these days. But you can try using a lint roller. Roll the roller lightly over surfaces such as keyboards and speakers. It is better to use a microfiber cloth to clean sensitive areas such as computer and television screens .

12. Drawers

If you've ever organized your kitchen utensil drawer , you've probably noticed a lot of crumbs at the bottom after you take everything out. You can use a handheld vacuum or crevice tool to quickly clean drawers before putting your belongings away. However, if you don't have one on hand or it doesn't absorb all the residue, a lint roller will do the trick. Also. Roll it around the empty drawer to pick up crumbs, then clean the corners with cotton swabs .

13. General household waste

Overall, a lint roller is the ideal tool for cleaning almost anything in the house, even those caused by accidents. Did you drop and break a wine glass? Use a roller to carefully locate and pick up small chips. Did the kids knock over the container of craft supplies and now there's glitter and confetti all over the floor? After you've vacuumed up as much as you can, try picking up any stubborn residue with a lint roller.

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