
When spring cleaning, don't forget your digital devices - NBC Boston

As the flowers bloom and the weather warms up, many of us are doing some spring cleaning around the house. But it's not just your physical space that should benefit from a good cleaning.

Spring is the perfect time to clean up your digital footprint and devices. This can help you stay organized and keep control of your online presence.

"Spring cleaning is a very good time to think about the different configurations of your devices," advises Lisa Plaggemier, executive director of the National Cybersecurity Alliance.

First, go through your smartphone, tablet, and computer to remove all unused apps, old files, and unnecessary documents. This not only frees up storage space but also improves the performance of the device.

"Not only do you want to delete the app, you also want to delete your data, e.g. B. Close your account. Ask them to completely delete any information they have about you," Plaggemier said.

Protect your personal information by backing up your most important files. Use the 3-2-1 rule: Have three backups, two different media types, and one offline in a separate location.

"Consider using a cloud-based storage provider to back up all your data. "They're incredibly affordable," says Plaggemier.

Make sure all your devices are secure. Check if the software is updated. These updates typically include security fixes that can help protect your device from malware and other threats.

"They contain fixes for bugs or security flaws. So if we leave them and don't run them, if we don't use the latest version of an operating system... especially an antivirus, then there is potential for a security data breach to occur.

The same tips apply to businesses too.

"An organization of any size can be held hostage if its data or, unfortunately, its credit card information is exposed. That's why we want to protect this information," said Paula Fleming, spokeswoman for the Boston Better Business Bureau.

BBB recommends small business owners update their policies and procedures on issues such as record retention.

"If you are in an open space with people coming and going from your home, you should keep your checkbook or your customer's credit card information in a safe place," Fleming said.

You can also clean up your social media accounts. Review your friends and followers list: Unfollow accounts you are no longer interested in and consider adjusting your privacy settings to control who can see your posts and information.

For further information, click here.

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