
Compost, Wood and Recycling: Weyburn Waste Disposal Tips – DiscoverWeyburn.com

The warmer temperatures are prompting many people to spring clean and get out in the garden to prepare it for the new year. Tasks such as raking, pruning bushes and bushes, cleaning flower beds and much more.

When the job is done, sometimes there is more than can fit in the trash, meaning a trip to the landfill. For those who end up going to the landfill with these items, the City of Weyburn has some pointers, especially when working with yard waste.

"One of the biggest confusions about spring cleaning is the difference between our compost pile and our wood pile," said Jennifer Wilkinson. She is the engineering director for the city of Weyburn. "If you bring leaves, grass clippings, garden waste, flowerbed waste or grass, you can throw them into our compost heap for free. »

However, not all garden waste is considered compost.

"If you add any type of wood, such as clean wood, trees, stumps or branches, these will end up in our wood dust and fees will apply," Wilkinson added.

A mixed pile of woody garden waste will be charged at the regular rate, even if other compostable garden waste is included.

What can and can't be recycled is another thing people should consider when spring cleaning, whether indoors or outdoors. Wilkinson noted that while many children's toys are made of plastic, that doesn't mean they can be recycled through the city's recycling program. Additionally, not all products made from recyclable materials are created equal.

"An important point is that items such as greasy food containers will not be accepted for recycling," Wilkinson stressed. "These belong in the trash."

While spring cleaning is taking place, people also have the opportunity to take their items somewhere other than the landfill for recycling. The city maintains a list of businesses in Weyburn that process other products destined for recycling, such as metals at Mryglod's Steel & Metal, which keep items out of the landfill.

For those who need to do some spring cleaning and take something to the landfill, the City of Weyburn is doing something to help. A voucher for free home and garden waste delivery to homes is expected to arrive in letterboxes this weekend. The voucher cannot be used for commercial or business purposes. The load must be covered and tires will not be accepted. For more details, visit the City of Weyburn Landfill website .

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