
10 tips for better spring cleaning in your workplace

While many people think that spring cleaning is something that should be done at home, it is also a good idea to clean up your work environment as well. The benefits: more organization, a healthier workplace, more clarity, less mess and higher productivity. How are you?

Sharon Schweitzer, international label expert, author and founder of Access to Culture, offers these 10 tips to get things right:

Destroy the trash: Check the drawers and dispose of any packaging, old pens, empty tubes or loose debris that clog your warehouse. With the habit of eliminating unnecessary damage, you save space and find the missing drive in seconds.

Keep clean: hold disinfectant wipes or spray by hand and wipe surfaces regularly. If your workspace has small spaces, you should clean the surfaces more often to remove germs, especially if someone is sick.

Ranking finesse: alphabetically, by date, color or order of priorities, there are endless ways to organize files. Choose the method that best suits your work style. However, classify your documents and check them monthly to make sure everything is placed correctly and documents and important documents are not lost between files.

Love your labels: Arrange folders and file systems with the appropriate name and date. Take a few seconds to properly order each item. Use organized office supplies labels to make sure that clips, pens, and stationery stay in place.

Ordinary Drawers: Invest in a drawer planner to keep office supplies in place. No need to fight a trumpet or find a forgotten calculator in the conference room. Make sure everything has a specific location.

Scan and save: Want to reduce paperwork and minimize paper? Scan documents on your computer and save them as PDF files. This not only saves valuable office space, but also the risk of losing important documents in the black hole of the lower drawer.

Electronic organization: When you save your workspace, do not forget the desktop of your computer. Order all the documents you have created as soon as you click "Save" and avoid these desperate searches in hundreds of unorganized files. Remember to use Dropbox or backup cloud storage to make sure important files are not permanently deleted.

Minimizing distractions : The saying "out of sight, out of control" applies especially to your workplace. If you're looking for your mobile phone or browsing magazines during office hours, you should set the drawer space for things that affect productivity.

Proven dining room: although we have all the days on which it is unavoidable to work while eating, stay in the kitchen when you eat. Not only will this keep your office free of crumbs and packaging, but changing the environment will refresh your mind and help you get back to work instead of eating.

Remove Get used to it, all the coffee cups, candy wrappers, old post-its and unnecessary papers, before you go home every day: Daily Unwinder. Distribute the necessary materials in the morning and clean the surfaces. This will keep your office fresh and clean for the next day, ready for the first business.

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