
Lawyers provide tips to help prevent theft

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. - As temperatures rise in Central Indiana, the danger of becoming a target for thieves increases. So, now Marion County lawyers encourage Hoosiers residents to think about home safety while they clean up spring.

CBS4 met with Deputy District Attorney Daphne Whitmire while patrolling an apartment complex to conduct a security audit.

During the audits, Whitmire highlights four key elements to improve safety: visibility, lighting, gardening and fencing.

"Most are robberies on occasional crimes that make it a home with the fewest crime prevention measures," said Whitmire.

Here is a breakdown of the most important tips after law enforcement:

Visibility: Can you see the people in your house / building? Be careful when opening windows and blinds. It can give potential thieves an "advertisement" for the items they own.

Landscaping: Do trees and shrubs create hiding places on your property? Unspecified trees and bushes can provide criminals with "ambushes" to hide or hide stolen goods or contraband.

Lighting: Are there dark spots on your property? Well-lit access points and access points can be an important deterrent to criminals. The overwhelming majority of crimes take place after dark.

Fencing: Does the privacy screen block the view of your property? The obstacles around your house can contribute to safety.

Another tip that Whitmire suggests is a "curious neighbor." 85% of the thefts are not solved due to very little evidence. At the same time, witnesses and neighbors are a great deterrent.

"The majority of our cases, we caught a thief, is because a neighbor called," said Whitmire.

If you have security concerns, the Marion County Procuratorate offers free security audits for homes and businesses. For more information, you can call the Marion County Public Prosecutor's Office at 317-327-3522, or click here.

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