
Take your children with you to clean up

Photo: PBNJ Productions (Getty Images)

It's spring, and many of us will be doing spring cleaning jobs, such as cleaning the windows or cleaning our equipment thoroughly. Many spring cleaning tasks involve heavy loads and require cleaning solutions that are stronger than the ones we use for our daily tasks, making them unsuitable for children. But there are certain tasks that are suitable for your children if you want to include them in your spring cleaning routine.

We take the spring cleaning in Lifehacker very seriously. Far away from us, we have the opportunity to renew, reorganize and clean our homes. We are also very excited to press the reset button on our technology, take a close look at our finances, and give some form to our daily routines. Welcome to the spring cleaning week, where we wash winter clothes and prepare the stage for sunny days. We'll clean things up, okay?

Here are some general tips to keep in mind: First, take the time to clearly explain and / or demonstrate the task that awaits you. Of course, this will give the process some time, but it will also help them learn and avoid having to do their job. Speaking of work: Try to avoid this if you can not inadvertently send a message that the best of them was not good enough. It is also a good idea to dress for the job; Ask them to wear old or sturdy clothing that does not mind getting dirty. Of course, you should also consider your child's age and abilities, as well as other problems, such as allergies or breathing problems, that make participation in a particular task less than ideal.

Wash the car

In my opinion, car washing is one of the funniest tasks, and when the weather is fine, involving children is a great job.


Start with the interior and ask them to help sorting the garbage and recycling that the car is seizing. Take everything out, z. Toys, sneakers or books that you need to return to your legal home. Then have the children vacuum their seats and floor with a hand vacuum cleaner.

Once the interior is clean, true joy can begin! Washing the exterior of a car is not rocket science, but there are some good practices that should be known: working from top to bottom; Wash and dry the car in sections so that the soap and water residues do not dry in the car during work and leave soap and water residue. Use car wash soap instead of dish soap that can get in the way of the car's clearcoat.

Dust the sockets

The most important thing about losing children in baseboards is that they are already on the floor! In addition, the sockets need nothing more than microfiber, like this Casabella Duster , perfect for kids: no harsh chemicals, no cleaning solution, just a rag and a progressive action.


vacuum furniture

You can add some fun to this task by allowing your child to keep the changes they find hidden in the pillows. The work is simple and can / should include making a strong cushion of sofa and chair cushions, decorative pillows and blankets when removing them from the frame of the furniture. Then place the upholstery accessories or cracks in the vacuum for your children to do the honors, starting with vacuuming the frame and then give the pillows and pillows a good THWAMPING to redistribute the filler and remove the dust. Then replace the pillows and aspirate. Finally, cover the blankets and throw pillows as needed.

Door knobs and light switch plates

It is a simple and easy task to use a rag or paper towel and a small amount of a mild multipurpose cleaner: Clean the door handles and the plate switch, which makes faces as it is touched all the time. Germant, piece by piece You can divide a room or put a child at the door and another easy task of mediation and let them count to see which one has more in their house to make it a bit of a game.


Cleaning and organizing a library

The shelves, like the baseboards, are very dusty, but a thorough cleaning only requires a good microfiber cloth, which makes it a good job for kids. Remove all books and jewelry from the shelves and work up and down as dust moves south during cleaning. Younger children can be ordered to clean books, while older children can work in the same library. Then ask the children to put everything aside by asking them to sort the books by color or alphabetically by author.

Wash the garbage

Dustbins and recycling trash bins become very dirty, even if you diligently use liners. Even if you do not need to clean them on a regular basis, washing them once or twice a year is a good idea, and doing a great outdoor day is a great job. Like washing a car, it can be fun for kids to have fun with a bucket of soap and water and / or a hose. A big sponge for washing cars, detergents, water and a drying cloth are really all you need and you can start to find all the garbage cans and recycling bins in the house, empty when they are full, then take them all to wash them. Once they are clean, dry them with a rag (an old bath towel would be perfect here) and let the children carry for storage.


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