
Why baking soda is a miracle cleaner and how to use it

One of the main characteristics of baking soda is its absorption capacity. Therefore, it is extremely important to store it in an airtight container, away from bad odors. In good condition, it can take up to four years. But do not worry if bubbles form in the package: The bicarbonate is simply "grouped" or attached.

If you've forgotten all of your baking soda in a humid cupboard and it's difficult now, you'll have to throw it away because you've lost all its qualities. Worse, it has already absorbed relatively harmless odors and substances that could harm it. And do not feel bad about throwing it away, because sodium bicarbonate is biodegradable and very cheap.

Try this test if you do not know if your sodium bicarbonate is still effective: pour 1 tablespoon into a glass of water and add a few drops of lemon or white vinegar. Foam? If so, it has retained all its properties. If not, it is lost.

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