
6 habits that ruin your nails

Nails are like your faces a true expression of your health. In many ways, your nails can inform you about routine health issues. You have to pay attention to the health of the nails, especially when something unusual happens.

Many routine tasks can have a negative impact on the health of the nails. These are simple everyday habits that do not appear to be harmful to your health. In fact, these occasional habits damage your nails.

This article shares seven unexpected habits that ruin the health of your nails.

Let your nail polish work for days.

It really does not seem to be a problem, but peeling nail polishes have a bad look on the nails. No doubt it's better to clean it, but there's much more to it than just "looking bad", as using too much nail polish can hurt you.

The danger lies in this nail polish, which contains certain pigments that can absorb the upper layers of the nail. He can dry it completely. The risk is greater for frequently neglected nails. Many women tend to forget nail polish for days and even months. It is better to pause your nails after a few days with nail polish. Let the nail breathe in your spa before your next appointment.

Two - Do not wash your hands or feet well.

Everyone washes their hands several times a day, but that's not always enough for the nails. If the nails are neglected when washing hands or feet, bacterial colonies may form. When washing your hands and fingers, watch out for the nails. Make sure your nails are not neglected. It's best to use a nail brush every two days to make sure your nails are clean.

Three - Use the nails as tools.

The list of daily habits that destroy nails is long. People often tend to open bottles or clog their cans with their nails. They also use nails to open a screw, scrape off price tags, hack something sticky, or do other tasks that require a tool. Such habits not only ruin your manicure, but also cause damage to the nails. It is better not to experiment with all these activities with the nails. Keep a small tool box in your drawer at home and work to help it.

Four plasters without gloves

Now it may seem strange, but often the cleaning, especially the dishes, weakens the nails. The nails usually swell in the water, which damages the nail bed. When using chemical products such as detergents or dishwashing detergents, nails and skin are dry. It is better to wear gloves when cleaning. The gloves protect the nails.

Similarly, household cleaning also requires gloves. Detergents can also dry the nails. It is better to take preventive measures without jeopardizing the health of the skin and nails.

Five - ignore the nails in the winter

Winter is an extreme season in which every part of your body needs to be protected and pampered. The use of gloves on dry and cold days protects the nails from possible damage. Invest in a good pair of gloves and keep your hands well hydrated. Wear hand lotion before wearing gloves.

Six do not eat vegetables

Your skin reflects what you eat. This also applies to your nails in terms of health. If you are not eating healthily, it is bad news that your skin and nails are at high risk.

Make it a habit to eat well and eat well. Some foods, such as iron-rich vegetables, strengthen the nails. Add foods such as eggs, spinach and red meat to your diet. For extra strength, use flaxseed oil in one of your meals a day.

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