
The best stainless steel cleaners for home appliances and kitchen appliances you can buy.

After years of drooling over the polished and industrial appearance of commercial kitchens, I finally had the opportunity to introduce stainless steel into my kitchen. I had imagined the brightness of my oven, oven, sink, dishwasher and refrigerator next to the flagstones. What I did not understand was the kitchen staff who lit stainless steel.

Stainless steel has many good properties. It is extremely durable and resistant to damage from water and rust. However, it can show all fingerprints and traces of hands as well as any poorly cleaned water points. When I bought new equipment, I discovered that stainless steel is available in three finishes: mirror, brushed and matt. As you can imagine, the finish of a mirror is very bright and reflective, the brushed finish looks more textured and is offered in different brightness levels, and the matte finish is very flat without appearing bright.

I chose a brushed finish because it is in the middle of maintenance issues. I did not want to see all the issues immediately with a mirror finish, and the dull finish seemed to absorb all the light in my kitchen. A brushed finish hides many fingerprints, but lightens the room anyway.

If you learn more about the cleaners that we have tested, you will also learn how to clean the metal after the grain. As with the wood grain, it is important to clean and polish the stainless steel after the grain to achieve a shiny finish. Stainless steel is a combination of several metals and a grain is produced during production. Some device manufacturers use horizontal grits, others vertical. Take a few minutes to look at your equipment and follow this grain (slight color changes) when cleaning and polishing.

Before I reveal the best of stainless steel cleaners, I need to share a list of what can not be used to clean stainless steel:

  • Abrasive powder and abrasive sponges.
  • steel wool
  • ammonia
  • bleach
  • oven cleaner

If you use the wrong cleaner type, the damage can not be repaired and the finish will not be restored. If you live in an area where the water is very hard, cleaning is difficult due to the minerals left by the stains in the water.

Since I equipped my stainless steel kitchen a few years ago, I have tried various cleaning agents and care tips. I like frequent brushing with less elbows. I'm always looking for the most effective, easy-to-use, and profitable products for me and others.

One suggestion I swear is to use a microfiber cloth when cleaning the stainless steel. Often I can do without any kind of detergent by cleaning the equipment daily with a dry microfiber cloth. Rebellious stains require a detergent. I carefully clean the accessories every week and finish with a cloth soaked in a dry microfiber cloth to remove the stains.

Here are the best stainless steel cleaners you can buy:

Keep scrolling to learn more about our best options.

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