
The best tips for skincare in the summer - see.

In the summer we spend our free time outdoors: in Badi, at the lake, in the park or on the mountain. We love the warm season: the sun, the beautiful weather and our golden brown complexion. But that's a lot of work for our skin. It is an unusually high exposure to UV rays, it must hold the heat and sweat and the bath water in the pool, in the sea or in a lake to support it. Dry our skin and need special care! We ignore, we punish the body with premature aging.

It is the good sunscreen

The basic requirement for a good skincare in summer is the use of a good sunscreen, since the sun is strong and our skin tolerates a lot of sun in summer. For daily use a moisturizing kindergarten with SPF. If planning or hiking to Badi, you should apply it to all exposed areas of the sunscreen. Always remember to use one to properly protect your skin type.

The result can not only be prematurely aged skin, but there is a high risk of cancer. Do not forget your lips and ears, two bodies, and forget them quickly. The lip balm with UV protection is available almost everywhere.

Also remember that the sunscreen is applied about 30 minutes before the actual sun exposure. If you go to the water, you have to repeat the application.

Have you been in the sun too long?

After a long stay in the sun, it can lead to a feeling of tightness in the skin. It is a silent cry for moisture. Strengthens the skin barrier and provides relief lotion or moisturizing masks.

It finally happened when he burned it to react quickly and efficiently. A sunburn causes redness on the skin. Feeling of heat, tension, itching and burning. You can also start peeling the skin. Use a refreshing and soothing after-sun lotion. Aloe Vera also has a positive effect. Attention: eyelids and lips are especially sensitive. They give all games a lot of moisture. Useful moist compresses and local steroids in a refreshing way are creams on the ends. It's also important to moisturise your skin: Drink plenty of water!

Clothes and shadows

But it can not only be protected with creams for the skin of the sun. Also with fine clothing to protect your body from too much UV rays. Around noon, when the sun is strong, it is preferable to visit a shady place.

The skin is thirsty

Your skin is thirsty and loses a lot of moisture through frequent sweating in summer. You should drink two to three liters of carbonated water daily. Liquid spreads from the inside for a healthy and elastic skin.

in the shower at the right temperature

When would you like to take a refreshing shower after sunbathing? This can have a negative effect on your body as the cold water sweats when showering. Too much hot water is not enough, because it removes the necessary moisture from the skin. It is best to shower briefly and hot. In this way, the blood circulation is stimulated and the skin has a firming effect.

After showering you will need an aloe vera cream or other moisturizer rich application.

Deep-acting facial cleansing

In addition, the face is a thirst for proper care. Basically, you should not use too much makeup in the summer months. A moisturizing and colored day cream with UV protection can be a good remedy, it is a good base.

An important point is also the deep cleansing of the face. This should happen with products that provide enough moisture. In addition, the mask and the peeling should not be underestimated. Due to the increased sweating in the summer it contains impurities, excess oil and bacteria on the skin, which must be additionally cleaned. Better masks on a weekly basis: The pores are well-brushed and help the skin to balance its natural pH.

Summer hair care

Although this is not part of skin care, hair is just as important. You do it in the summer and you are under the same stress as the skin. For the sun protection of the hair head there are special sprays, which protect the hair from UV rays.

In addition, shampoos or conditioners work without silicone, but with protective substances such as oats or ginseng regenerating and make the hair shine. The split ends prevent and help against dehydration.

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