
Tips to keep your house clean with a dog.

Does your dog make your home a disaster? Here are some simple tips to keep your home clean this spring.

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Keeping your house clean of dog hair and muddy legs can be tedious. Whether you're hairy with a golden retriever like me, a german shepherd, boxer, dachshund or poodle, it's a daily struggle to keep our homes clean without muddy legs and stand over the clutter. As parents of dogs, we have put together the best tips to keep track of your chaos and keep your home in good shape.

Dogs are like children. You have to stay above the chaos so that it does not become uncontrollable. They can be charming, but they can be very messy. Avoid irritating a dirty dog ​​with our recommendations for cleaning your K9 home.

Muddy legs? And the worms (parasitic worms) no problem!

Have you ever worried that your dog will come home after a walk or just in the garden and role in the mud or god shelter we dig in the garden? Have a portable dog shower K9 Clean and a towel near your door. Fill it with warm water on cold days and with cold water on hot days. Once you get your puppy ready to go, it's very easy to quickly rinse the muddy legs and frame before covering your floors with mud. Dry them and you and your dog are ready to go. This habit is a good habit. It also helps alleviate environmental allergies that your dog may have, much less getting rid of toxins that are harmful to humans when they come in contact with them.

Did you know that dogs cross different surfaces, grass, dirt, sand and hard landscapes like sidewalks and parking lots? Research has shown that dogs can carry worm eggs from contaminated soil to their feet and transfer them to cars and homes. Parasitic worms, also known as worms such as Toxocara canis and Ancylostoma caninum, are zoonotic parasites and may pose the risk of human infection. Imagine crawling your babies, grandchildren or toddlers on the floor? Most children are not often used their hands to wash themselves, but studies have shown that the shower is clean Dog K9 is an effective way to remove helminth eggs paws of dogs.

Once you've used the K9 dog shower, you'll wonder how you managed to keep your home clean without it. The price is also reasonable. Find it at www.K9Clean.com

Regularly married

Regular care of your dog is ideal to keep your house clean and keep your dog clean. Brush your dog every day and if you give your dog a bath, use the dog shampoo with all natural waste K9Cleans All Natural Zero. And much more! The coat of your puppy is healthy and soft.

Dog hair - it is everywhere

One of the most annoying problems parents of dogs face is pet dander. It's on the floor, on the sofa, not just your clothes, but those of your guests. Place a blanket or blanket where your dog likes to rest. When cleaning, be sure to shake the hair well before disposing of it in the washing machine. Use a good dog brush to reduce the hair. We use an Easter dog rake for our golden coat, and it works very well!

Put dog hair on rugs and furniture.

Aspirate and run twice in different directions. My life changed when we thought we bought the best pet hair vacuum cleaner, the Dyson Cordless Vacuum Cleaner. It is powerful, lightweight and suitable for all surfaces, including wood floors and carpets. You'll be surprised how much hair and coat you suck! The only thing that works on the clothes is a really sticky lint and a packing tape that's missing in your hand! For your furniture, the Dyson vacuum cleaner has a versatile design tool that can be used as a powerful hand vacuum cleaner.

Remove stubborn stains

All our dogs occasionally had an accident, especially if they are puppies. Use the Natural Touch Urine Eliminator to remove persistent odors from your carpets. This material is amazing and better than any of the others we have tried.

Protect your hardwood floors by cutting your dog's nails

Is cutting your dog's nails a scary? Do not let it happen: There are several options available on the market for dog hair clippers that reduce stress. Ask your veterinarian or hairdresser how to cut your nails first.

Dog food mat

Most dogs tend to be dirty when eating. Make cleaning easier by placing a tablecloth under your dog's plate. We use a rubber that you can rinse off when your dog is done.

If you want to add good suggestions or ideas, thank you for your message! We'd love to hear from you! Contact us at info@k9clean.com .

DogTails runs every week and we invite our readers to their questions about dogs ideas and columns of info@k9clean.com to send.

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