
Tips for your little teething ring.

This story was written for our sponsor, the North Carolina Dental Society .

Children are born with 20 deciduous teeth (primary teeth) just below the gum line, waiting to burst in childhood, in age interlocutory 6 and 12 months . This milestone can be both frustrating and painful, as well as exciting for babies and parents.

"Knowing what to expect when your baby begins to walk you can prepare for the symptoms, solutions and any dental emergencies that may occur in the next few years as your new teeth arrive," said Dr , Shamik Vakil, pediatric dentist. , With offices in Charlotte.

The teething calendar

Start baby teeth to appear about six months after the start with the cutting and upper and lower molars and canines, although every child is different and can vary its progression.

This entire process can take between 20 months and two years. Most children all have their teeth from milk to three years.

After six years, the deciduous teeth usually sink in the same order: lower and upper incisors, canines, and molars. This process lasts until adolescence.

If lost, deciduous teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. When the wisdom teeth appear in the last few years of puberty, other permanent teeth are present.

Symptoms of teething

The first signs of the appearance of primary teeth are painful gums.

This sensitivity can make babies heavy and irritable and cause loss of appetite and sleep disorders. You may also notice more saliva than usual. These symptoms are completely normal.

If your child has a fever, diarrhea, or rash while they are teething, it may be a sign of illness and you should consult your pediatrician.

Relief of toothache

Painful gums can be alleviated with clean fingers, fresh spoons or wet gauze pads.

If you choose a bite toy, make sure it is made of solid rubber rather than fragile plastic.

Liquid filled teething rings should also be avoided. Always remember what the toy is made of and make sure it contains no lead.

The FDA does not recommend using benzocaine - containing narcotics for children under the age of two. Be careful when using these products for older children and adults as the risks can be very serious or even fatal.

Homeopathic products for children's diseases , such as B. Children tablets have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not recommended. It has not proven to be beneficial to health and may contain varying amounts of a toxic substance called belladonna.


Before your child's teeth start, you can clean your gums with a clean, damp cloth or a cheesecloth.

Once the first tooth of your child appears, it should be protected from tooth decay . Until you can do it yourself, brush your teeth twice a day with a toothbrush and a fluoride toothpaste the size of a child.

Begin cleaning between your teeth when touching two teeth.

For children under the age of three, use only a small amount of fluoride toothpaste, about the size of a grain of rice. Children aged three to six years should brush their teeth with a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. Remind them not to take toothpaste by brushing your teeth.

"Children should consult the dentist before their first birthday or within six months of the first outbreak, whichever comes first," Vakil said. "Your dentist will look for tooth decay and other mouth problems and instruct you to take good care of your child's teeth."

Dental emergencies

Broken or broken teeth, toothache and mouth-clogged material are considered dental emergencies and should be promptly treated with a visit to the dentist or the emergency room.

If your child's tooth breaks, clean the area by rinsing your mouth with warm water. In case of swelling, you can put a cold compress on the area.

If a tooth breaks, your dentist can save it. Keep it moist, either in the mouth of your child, between the cheeks and the gums or in the milk and call your dentist as soon as possible. If you can replace the tooth without touching the root, you can keep it moist until you can go to the dentist.

The toothache should be rinsed with warm water and rinsed to remove clogged food. Avoid putting aspirin on the tooth or aching gums.

If an object gets stuck, carefully floss it but do not use any sharp objects.

Pediatric dental hygiene is as important as that of adults, but younger children need more help and attention.

This story was written for our sponsor, the North Carolina Dental Society .

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