
Cactus mice tested positive for Hantavirus in Valley Center and Santee

Two cactus mice, collected separately during routine monitoring at Santee and Valley Center, had tested positive for hantavirus, marking the first appearance of the potentially fatal virus in San Diego County in 2020.

District officials said people should never sweep or vacuum, but should use "wet cleaning methods" to remove rodent droppings or signs of rodent infestation when they do. They are in their habitats: houses, garages, hangars, huts and outbuildings.

Infected rodents lose the hantavirus in their urine, faeces and saliva. If people stir up this dry substance by sweeping or breathing in the air, they can inhale the virus and become sick.

Hantavirus is common in San Diego County. In 2019, 42 rodents collected during routine fishing were tested positive for hantavirus. There is no cure or vaccination for Hantavirus and it can cause life-threatening infections in humans.

However, humans are unlikely to be exposed to the virus because their major vectors (wild rodents, and especially wild mice) prefer to live far from humans.

However, district officials said people should be careful when using wet cleaning methods, finding rodent droppings, or showing that wild rodents have entered houses, garages, sheds, and shacks. and other living spaces and need to be cleaned.

Here are tips to prevent people from being exposed to wild rodents and Hantaviruses, as well as instructions on how to use wet cleaning methods.

Avoid contact with hantaviruses

  • Seal all outer holes in houses, garages, and sheds that are larger than a penny to prevent rodents from entering.
  • Eliminate rodent infestation immediately.
  • Avoid areas affected by rodents and do not move dust or materials that may be contaminated with feces and rodent urine.
  • Clean rodent droppings and urine using the wet cleaning method described below.

Use "wet cleaning" methods to prevent inhalation of the virus.

  • Do not sweep or vacuum affected areas.
  • Ventilate the affected area by opening doors and windows for at least 30 minutes.
  • Wear rubber gloves. Spray a 10% bleach or other disinfectant solution on dead rodents, rodent droppings, nests, contaminated traps and surrounding areas and let the disinfectant stand for at least 15 minutes before cleaning.
  • Clean with a sponge or mop soaked in disinfectant.
  • Place rodents and disinfected waste in two plastic bags, seal them and throw them away.
  • Wash the gloves with a bleaching solution, then with soap and water and dispose of them using the same double bag method.
  • Wash your hands well with soap and water.

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