
How to clean your grinder: Basic maintenance of the stoner

how to clean your grinder iStock / HighGradeRoots

Cleaning a grinder is an easy task that takes less than an hour. This may seem like a pointless task to add to your already overloaded task list, but cleaning your grinder has many advantages, including:

  • kill harmful bacteria
  • provide cooler, softer and more even smoke
  • Save the life of your crusher

The mills are mainly made of metal, plastic or acrylic. These are the cleaning steps for each type of mill.

What you need to clean a grinder

  The first thing you need is a dirty grinder. If it was more difficult for you to turn the grinder or achieve a fine grind, you may need to clean it. Another clue is a clogged screen.

Regardless of whether your crusher is made of metal, plastic or acrylic, you need to collect the following materials:

  • Small cleaning tools : think of toothbrushes, fine brushes, Q-tips and toothpicks. These small, inexpensive tools help you remove dirt and clean every corner and crack.
  • A protective surface to place your grinder . Paper plates or paper napkins work well. You want it to contain dirt and protect the surface of the table or floor you're working on.
  • Drying tools . You should put your grinder on a towel or drying mat if you want to air dry. You can dry each component of the crusher by hand with a microfiber cloth. Alternatively, you can use a hair dryer for a quick finish.

Before deep cleaning

  These are the steps to prepare your grinder for deep cleaning. These steps work regardless of the material from which the grinder is made.

  1. Disassemble your grinder. Be careful: you don't want to break your grinder before you clean it. Pay attention to your hands too. The best crushers have extremely sharp teeth that can cut the skin. After disassembling your grinder, put the components in the freezer for about 30 minutes. This will harden the rubble.
  2. Empty hardened waste. After 30 minutes, carefully tap each component on a paper plate or paper towel to remove the residue.
  3. Brush the residue. Use your toothbrush, brush, and / or Q-Tips to remove cracks from any component. You can immerse a Q-tip in alcohol to make cleaning your grinder even more thorough.

Cleaning metal grinders

The following steps are specific for cleaning an all-metal grinder:

  1. Dip your grinder in isopropyl alcohol. Place each crusher component that is still disassembled in a Ziploc bag. Pour enough isopropyl alcohol into the bag to cover the grinder. Let it soak until the alcohol turns brown and you can see loose particles floating in the liquid. Do not follow this step if your grinder contains plastic or acrylic components. Alcohol breaks down plastic and acrylic.
  2. Rinse your grinder well. You don't want to accidentally inhale alcohol, which can happen if you don't rinse your grinder thoroughly. Place it under the tap and wash off the remaining alcohol.
  3. Let it dry completely. If you wrap your grinder before it is completely dry, it can rust. Use a microfiber cloth to dry your grinder as much as possible. Then let it air dry until completely dry, or dry it with a hair dryer.
  4. Reassemble your mill and use it.

Cleaning of plastic or acrylic breakers

These steps apply to plastic and acrylic crushers. Do not use isopropyl alcohol in plastic or acrylic. Alcohol breaks down plastic and acrylic and damages your breaker and leech chemicals when you break out.

  1. Boil each component . Boil a saucepan with water. Place each piece of the grinder in boiling water. Let the grinder boil for 10 minutes. Place the grinder components on a towel and let them dry. If you want even more thorough cleaning, go to the next step.
  2. Clean with soap and water . Place the crusher components in a bowl of hot, soapy water. Use your toothbrush and / or Q-Tip to clean the cracks. Rinse your grinder and let it dry.

Why clean your mill?  

Of course, following the cleaning steps of a dirty grinder to pass the time is not ideal. But a little effort is essential to protect your health, improve your smoke and maintain your grinder.

A clean grinder is a healthy grinder . Cannabis is an organic material. This makes it particularly susceptible to bacteria, mold and fungi. These pathogens can get into the lungs if your grinder is not cleaned. According to the CDC , exposure to mold can cause upper respiratory symptoms and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. It can also make asthma symptoms worse.

Clean grinders ensure a better smoking experience . The purpose of a grinder is to separate the dense buds of cannabis into much smaller pieces. The finer the floor, the smoother and more even the smoke. Cleaning a grinder makes work more efficient.

Efficient crushers save money . A clean grinder is more efficient when grinding. If buds are removed, large buds are less likely to stick. The well-ground flower can also be stretched longer. Burning large grass waste This can be a costly mistake.

Well-maintained crusher lasts longer. Finally, cleaning a grinder makes it easier to use. The easier it is to use, the less likely it is to break by trying to build muscle through the accumulated dirt.

Cleaning your grinder can take a few minutes of your busy day, but cleaning will save you money, time, and grass later.

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