
"Do not pass on drinks, vapors, tokens and vapes," advises Dr. Bonnie Henry's "Good Times Guide".

VANCOUVER - The British Columbia government has released a public health-approved "good times" guide that appears to be aimed at young people.

The guide includes a cartoon version of Dr. Bonnie Henry and contains tips on how to avoid becoming infected with the virus.

"The good times have been linked to outbreaks by the COVID-19 community in British Columbia," says the graphically rich online guide.

"We all love to have a good time ... don't get stuck in self-isolation for 14 days or get sick worse from drinking beer at a party or having a relationship with someone with COVID-19."

The online document entitled " Dr. Bonnie Henry's Guide to a Good Time " provides advice, including advice that people with mild symptoms such as a runny nose or headache should stay at home.

Recommend the groups to appoint a "contact person" who will keep an eye on all people who are in contact at an event or a meeting.

"Do not pass on drinks, vapors, puffs and vapors," says the leader. "Now is not the time to share everything that was in your mouth."

Other tips include spending time in small groups and staying outdoors as much as possible, where it's easier to keep a safe distance.

The guide contains tips on hand cleaning and encourages young people to learn about their friends' mental health.

And finally: "Plug in? Make sure," said the guide.

"Pass if your partner shows symptoms of COVID-19. Use protective measures such as condoms or mouthguards to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and STIs."

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