
Top 10 beauty tips for celebrities according to Vogue's YouTube channel

Perfect skin requires skin care, drinking plenty of water and eating a healthy diet. Of course, everyone has a tip with which you can have radiant skin or simply get the best makeup results. Celebrities are used to standing in front of the cameras, and it is not surprising that they also have tricks that work for everyone.

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Vogue has a number of celebrity videos that give great advice on skin care. It is not surprising that there are sophisticated products, but almost all of them also offer things that everyone can do at home.

10 Rihanna

It all started with a Rihanna video in 2018. It was the first time that this type of video produced by Vogue went viral and has now become a fixture. The singer gave advice on how to use the outline to make her forehead and dewlap smaller. "I learned to work when I put on weight. Believe it or not, then," she says in the video. Rihanna also explains that she makes a triangle with the contour under the skin to extend the neck.

Although it has gone viral and many people could be associated with Rihanna in the comments, few black celebrities have made videos so far.

9 Cindy Crawford

Cindy Crawford is an icon of eternal beauty and she shared some secrets of her beauty routine in Vogue. Every morning, the model puts two golden balls in cold water, then uses them under the eyes and moisturizes the skin. Incidentally, this seems to be the strictest secret of everyone on this list.

The model said that she uses Foundation but is not a fan of powders. "I'm not a big powder fan because I get older because it tends to stick to those fine lines of wrinkles."

8 keys Alice

Alicia Keys loves her beauty routine and it seems like a moment of relaxation for her. The singer has shown that she likes to be quiet in her bathroom and light candles while taking care of her skin. It always starts with a cleaning agent and applies an aloe vera gel mixed with powder. She also pays close attention to the area under the eyes and wears a Lancer Legacy eye treatment duo. Of course, she never forgets sunscreen!

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Keys also said that the most important thing in her routine was drinking lots of water, and that made a difference to her skin. She also said skin care was frustrating for her because she didn't have good skin for a long time and it was a long process until she found the right products.

7 Liv Tyler

Liv Tyler is another celebrity obsessed with skin care. She says it was something her mother and grandmother loved to do, and she learned a lot from them. The actress has sensitive skin, so she uses a greasy detergent. "For me, the secret to beautiful skin is peeling," she says .

Like the face mask of the star of the Lord of the Rings , and one of his favorites is called "Blue Flame". After that, a moisturizing mask is used, and after cleaning the face, a few drops of hyaluronic acid. He also revealed that whatever he wears on his face also gets his hands. The actress also uses a tribute to massage her face. When her eyes are swollen, the star uses eye pads that she keeps in the fridge.

6 Alessandra Ambrosio

Alessandra Ambrosio likes to start her day with a face mask that she applies to her face with a jade roller. The model showed that she kept the roll in her fridge and helped her wake up. Then she puts a mist on her face near her heart in her purse. Then add sunscreen, luminescent drops, and a moisturizing tint.

The model adds a light foundation and uses her fingers to apply it, as well as a concealer. Ambrosio likes to pay attention to details and uses an eyebrow angel and a lip tone.

5 Joan Cesantía

Joan Severance is a model from the 80s and ages wonderfully. The model shared some secrets for her skin and she always starts cleaning and rubbing the skin. The separation also uses a face mask, detergent, toner, and serum.

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The model also gave useful tips for makeup. It's great to see Vogue putting the spotlight on older people.

4 Priyanka Chopra

Priyanka Chopra is the definition of perfection. The actress shared some secrets she had learned from her grandmother. He rubs his lips with salt, vegetable glycerin and rose water, and who doesn't want those lips?

It mixes grams of flour, yogurt, sandalwood powder, turmeric and a few drops of lemon for the body. Sometimes add milk until you get the right consistency. The actress says that she puts it on her body and waits for it to dry before washing it off.

3 Camila Mendes

Camila Mendes always takes a few minutes to take care of her skin before going to bed. After cleaning your face, wear a face mask for a few minutes and then announce a detox mask.

After washing her face, the actress adds a toner and a moisturizing serum. Then use a massage roller that you keep in the fridge. It seems like most of the stars on this list love a secret!

2 Kendall Jenner

Of course, the Kardashian / Jenner clan also has some videos that share their secrets. For example, Kendall Jenner explained how she wears makeup and what everyone can do on a daily basis. She just puts the foundation on, concealer and brushes her eyebrows. "I don't like having too much because I hate having curly makeup , " she said .

Jenner also uses blush and bronzer as eye shadows. It looks like the perfect make-up for a normal day.

1 Bella Hadid

Bella Hadid gave some advice to people with skin tired from jet lag. Fortunately, it also works for anyone who looks tired, even if it's not about a busy schedule. For the model, foundation and concealer are the keys to give it a new look. She adds a contour to her cheeks and under her chin, and the skin is done.

After that, just use a marker and do the rest of the makeup.

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