
How to clean your mattress

You sleep about a third of your life on your mattress. Why don't you bother to clean them thoroughly? You should clean your mattress thoroughly every six months. You should wash it more often if you have allergies.

Why do you need to clean your mattress?

There are many reasons why you should clean your mattress.

When you sleep, sweat gets into the mattress and the humid environment stimulates the growth of fungi and bacteria.

In addition, dead skin falls off during sleep and mites feed on these skin cells.

When dead skin builds up, mites make your mattress your home and start brooding there.

Not only do they reproduce, they shit twice as much every day as where you fall asleep.

These factors are not only unattractive and uncomfortable for you when you walk around in your room and remove the sheets ... they are a health risk.

If you normally have allergies, the mites and their droppings make your allergies worse.

Even if you're not prone to allergies, mites and other bad types can cause asthma, eczema, headaches, and sneezing.

All of this will go away if you clean the mattress from time to time.

FURTHER INFORMATION - Cleaning: Ms. Hinch reveals a secret product for washing cleaning wipes

Do you have stains on your mattress? From blood to sweating to spills, we have them all.

Mix a little lemon juice and salt and rub it on the stain.

Wait half an hour to an hour and wipe the dough with a clean towel. The stain should have disappeared somewhat.

If you have a dark mattress instead of a white mattress, you should not use a lemon, as this will lighten the mattress.

Try detergent, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and water in a spray bottle.

Spray it on the stain and dry it with a cloth.

Sprinkle baking soda over the mattress and let it rest for a few hours. 24 hours is desirable, but not always possible.

The powder absorbs all moisture, deodorises the mattress and kills all bacteria.

You can add essential oil to the baking soda to add another antibacterial element that smells wonderful.

Lavender or eucalyptus help sleep by calming the body. Therefore, these two oils are the best options.

Aspirate the yeast powder and empty the vacuum bag.

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