
Addressing stacks of paper during spring cleaning

RICHMOND, Virginia - A big part of spring cleaning is tackling the piles of paper that can fill your home.

Whether in the mail or in school newspapers or with artwork for children - the experts at Cut the Clutter RVA have a few tips to help you solve the problem. Head Clutter Cutter Gretchen Moen recommends processing papers as soon as you receive them to deal with clutter.

"Think about the purpose of the document and really use the one-touch method," said Moen. "You will act on it, you will classify it, or you will recycle or shred it."

Moen also recommends throwing the rubbish away on the way to the post office so that you can drop off your junk mail and envelopes directly at the recycling center.

When it comes to more sentimental items like school newspapers or children's artwork, Cut the Clutter RVA recommends putting them all in one place and then setting a reminder every few weeks to review the items. They recommend storing only the best items and recycling the rest.

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