
Sustainability Tips: Get Started with HVAC Maintenance

Summer is coming and when the sun shines longer and the temperature rises, it still means a few hours of outdoor activity. In this time of change, we must not neglect our heating and ventilation systems, which have worked so hard for us this winter.

Maintaining a healthy HVAC system not only keeps your system healthy, it can keep you and your home healthy too. Air pollutants and pollutants can put a physical strain on your body. This is one of the reasons why properly maintaining your equipment is so important. Regular maintenance can also save you energy costs.

One energy-saving spring cleaning activity is checking the status of these systems. This not only reduces operating costs, but also improves indoor air quality. Filters are a quick DIY project to solve both of these problems. Old filters can put pressure on your system, which means the system works harder and has lower power efficiency, which translates into higher energy costs. Dirty filters can also bring dust and pollutants into your home. This maintenance measure extends the life of your system and ensures that the air in your home is clean and filtered. Ideally, it is recommended that homeowners check these filters once a month to see how effective they are. You may need to change them at least every three months, and more frequently if they are used heavily.

Professional maintenance can also increase your energy savings and improve indoor air quality. The US Department of Energy recommends doing this every six months. A certified HVAC technician can ensure that your system is working safely and efficiently. You can determine the remaining life of the system, ensure proper ventilation and ignition, determine the efficiency of your ducts or pipes, and provide recommended heating and cooling settings for maximum comfort and savings.

HVAC best practices

  • Check the condition of the ventilation connection pipe and the chimney. Some parts of the ventilation system may have deteriorated over time. Chimney problems can be costly to repair and warrant installing new heating appliances that do not use the existing chimney.
  • Check the physical integrity of the heat exchanger. Leaking boiler heat exchangers lose water and are easy to spot. Oven heat exchangers mix flue gases with the air in the house when they leak. This is an important safety reason for your inspection.
  • Adjust the stove or stove controls to provide optimal water and air temperature settings for efficiency and comfort.
  • If you plan to replace or upgrade your existing heating system, have the technician perform a combustion efficiency test.

Contact the Walking Mountains Science Center energy programs to find out how we can help. Write to us at energy@walkingmountains.org or call us at 970-328-8777 for discount options and our list of local contractors.

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