
Speed, ease and experience - the only antibacterial wipes you need

antibacterial wipes

Uniwipe offers the next generation of antibacterial wipes with the highest standards of infection protection.

Uniwipe was founded two decades ago to manufacture the next generation of wet wipes and to provide the highest standards of hygiene in homes, workplaces and individuals. As a technologist and manufacturer, the Uniwipe team works closely on innovations and the production of antibacterial wipes that meet the demanding hygiene criteria of the industries they support. Over the years, the team has built a reputation as an industry leader due to their exceptional specifications, expert knowledge and rigorous standards of service.

Uniwipe has been helping the medical industry fight bacteria and viruses for over 12 years. His cloths are considered to be one of the most technically advanced in the world. and are now widely seen in testing facilities across the country, preferred not only for their reliable effectiveness, but also for their ease of use and high quality fabrics.

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the importance of highly effective cleaning products and reliable manufacturing partners. Hygiene measures and cleaning routines have always been essential to the medical and healthcare industries, but now they have become a primary consideration for everyone.

COVID-19 has resulted in a laser focus on the importance of cleanliness and hygiene management in all health and social care services, with a greater public expectation to go beyond what would have been expected of them. Go to never cleaning routines before the pandemic back because we all learn to live with this virus, and the cleanup strategies and supplier for the future security must be a priority.

Uniwipe is committed to helping customers in the healthcare industry and beyond find solutions that are tailored to their cleaning challenges.

Not all antibacterial wipes are created equal

Many smear marks outsource all or large quantities of production for their business. This generally leads to decreased control of the whole process, leading to frustrating supply chain issues, delivery delays, panic over buying less efficient products and ultimately unnecessary stress for customers.

At Uniwipe, all antibacterial wipes are made in-house at the company's UK facility. Full end-to-end control means that strict quality control and monitoring processes are continuously checked and implemented. Before a wipe reaches the consumer, it goes through at least 10 product quality and effectiveness tests, including raw material quality tests and formula tests, to determine the strength and durability of the fabric.

Uniwipe UK manufacturing facilities are geared towards manufacturing branded products, from bulk orders to bespoke orders, and meet shipping needs around the world. All of their products are subject to strict in-house manufacturing standards with laboratory-proven performance - a complete solution and service to make the procurement, purchase and delivery of highly efficient wipes quick, easy and reliable.

"Our mission has always been to have the production process under control from start to finish and every step of the way. We believe this is the only way to ensure that our customers always get what they need, when they need it, "said Edward Rabey, Uniwipe General Manager. "We make sure we have a full supply of raw materials and that every wipe meets our strict quality standards. Our innovation teams are fantastic and continually work to keep us at the forefront of product development and work on bespoke projects to meet customer needs.

High performance wet wipes for a wide variety of surfaces

All Uniwipe products go through rigorous testing processes, including professional testing in independent laboratories, to ensure compliance with the highest European standards.

Uniwipe antibacterial wipes achieve the highest EN accreditation available and are clinically proven to prevent the spread of germs and infections by killing bacteria and viruses. By choosing the right commercial cleaning products, users can avoid cross-contamination, reduce cleaning time, and reduce waste.

For example, Uniwipe Midi-Wipe Clinical Sanitizer was specially developed for high-risk, high-traffic areas. It helps prevent cross-contamination by keeping every surface hygienic and clean. With exceptional microbicidal performance, these wipes kill 99.999% of bacteria as well as viruses, including SARS-Cov-2, which causes COVID-19. Uniwipe Clinical Midi-Wipes are independently tested in the laboratory according to EN14476, the European test standard that is now commonly referred to as the "Coronavirus test".

The Uniwipe team has been working with customers from various industries for years in order to receive valuable and continuous feedback as part of their research and development process. This industry leading continuous product development program keeps the company at the forefront of cleaning quality. An example of this is the general return of health care providers pointing out that various brands are using substandard antibacterial wipes that break, dry and irritate hands, causing frustration and unspeakable problems for their peers. For this reason, Uniwipe products are dermatologically tested and alcohol-free so that they are quick and tough on the hands without compromise, even in the harshest clinical environment. Uniwipe's unique formula also means that while the wipes are extremely resistant to bacteria and viruses, they will not damage the surfaces. Regularly cleaning surfaces with poor quality chemicals will damage them over time. However, Uniwipe wipes do not damage the surfaces, even with frequent use.

Midi-Wipe consists of a unique premium material that contains more liquid than conventional antibacterial wipes. This ensures an even distribution of the liquid and ensures that all parts of the surface are covered without the wipe drying out. Carefully designed packaging ensures that individual wipes can be dispensed easily and at the same time prevents the wipes from drying out.

The Mighty Midi offers:

  • Certified disinfection efficiency higher than EN13727, EN1276, EN14476, EN16615, EN14561;
  • 99.999% bacterial kill rate tested in 30 seconds;
  • Kills SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 , in 30 seconds;
  • Effective against viruses, including norovirus, influenza A (H1N1), herpes simplex, hepatitis C;
  • Double disinfection and cleaning;
  • Dermatologically tested and gentle on the hands; and
  • Eliminate cross contamination.

Simplify cleaning

Uniwipe manufactures a wide variety of types of wipes, each formulated to be suitable and effective for the intended use. Since the hygiene landscape has changed significantly and permanently in the past year , the pressure is already high enough without the additional challenge of navigating through complicated product options. The error rate is extremely low and is only compounded by contradicting arguments and a multitude of sources of information.

The types of color-coded antibacterial wipes can be a complex issue. With the exception of the health sector, there are no binding national or international standards in the cleaning industry. The British Institute of Cleaning Sciences (BICSc) has provided guidance on increasing standards and reducing the risk of cross-infection between cleaning areas. In general, the colors are enough to cover the most likely hazards while creating a system that is easy to understand and identify. Uniwipe implemented the BICSc color code to make it easier for customers to navigate their product line. The range of wipes is designed to best fit a variety of surfaces and accessories for the associated color-coded area.

Personal service

Uniwipe is just as committed to high quality, personalized service as it is to its products. A dedicated team of experts is available to discuss cleaning issues and customer needs. Help and advice can help you make the right decisions for your care or business environment.

With extensive experience handling all types of mass and custom orders, multiple delivery locations or staggered deliveries, a range of solutions can be arranged once the team understands your requirements. Continuous production control, guaranteed inventory and standard delivery of no more than five working days (this can be faster if necessary) enable Uniwipe to fulfill the largest and most demanding orders.

Support doesn't stop once your products have been safely delivered. The Uniwipe team is available for all types of after-sales support including:

  • Providing on-site discussions and helpful training tools;
  • Supply of custom wipe dispensers to facilitate your cleaning strategies; and
  • Current industry information to ensure that we will continue to help you solve your hygiene requirements in the future.

Free samples

If you haven't tried a Uniwipe antibacterial wipe, the company's free sampling service is the best way to try it yourself. Call +44 (0) 333 241 9220 to request your free samples and discuss how Uniwipe can work with you to make your cleaning strategies sustainable in the COVID-19 era and beyond.

This article is an excerpt from Issue 17 of Health Europa . Click here to get your free membership today.

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