
Another face of beauty promotion with no toxic products

At US PIRG, our goal is to lead the personal care industry into a toxic-free future. To that end, we urge leading beauty and personal care companies to protect their customers through better ingredient disclosure and the safest ingredients. We're also working to achieve policy changes at the local, state, and state levels that will give consumers the right to know and get rid of toxic ingredients in their cosmetics. We identify areas for improvement, produce and share research and resources to help people protect themselves and solicit change, and provide policy advice to decision makers. However, we are not the only ones advocating beauty products that are safe for everyone.

Clean beauty influencers, bloggers and vloggers are becoming increasingly popular on the internet. These activists help usher in a future of toxic-free beauty by sharing information, products and business recommendations in the virtual world. Your followers may come looking for non-toxic, organic, and sustainable lifestyle and beauty tips, or they may just want to learn new beauty tips and learn more about them in the process. Threats. "Conventional" beauty products. This year, the US-based PIRG Make It Toxic-Free campaign partnered with some of these bloggers to expand the reach of our shared message: All consumers deserve safe beauty products.

To get started, we hooked up with Je'May Ward, who is from North Carolina and joined the clean beauty blogging scene last year.

Je'May became passionate about non-toxic beauty when she found product labeling and marketing confusing and misleading, leaving her frustrated and misinformed. Like many consumers, I did not know what the terms "organic", "dermatologically tested" or "natural" mean in the context of cosmetics. She looked inside and what she found surprised her.

"From the outside, it looked like the products I was using seemed to be working, and I had no idea my body was absorbing every little toxic chemical that did more harm than good ... I didn't mean to act like that. Products that I have loved for so long are harmful to my health, such as: B. an increased risk of cancer, skin allergies, birth defects [in my future children], endocrine disruptions and skin aging, not to mention some. ""

She delved into and found out why: Beauty products are not subject to pre-market testing and are barely regulated. Je'May started researching and trying to have more control over what their beauty products contained. She began researching all about clean beauty and learning which brands made safe products.

"I started sharing my own beauty journey on my blog ( www.jemayward.com ) hoping to inspire, educate and help people make conscious choices to switch to skin care products . Clean, non-toxic beauty! I understand that making the switch can seem overwhelming, expensive, or overwhelming, but it doesn't have to happen overnight! ""

But, like us at US PIRG, Je'May knows that it shouldn't be up to individual consumers to do all this research and make tough decisions based on limited information, and people shouldn't have to rely on bloggers from around the world. useful beauty like her. Protect yourself from toxic chemicals in beauty products. We should be sure that companies prioritize the health of their customers and that our government holds them accountable.

"The [Congress] of the United States should give more consideration to the human impact of these ingredients and take action to ban them. Think about it: the last time Congress passed a major beauty industry law was in 1938, before my grandmother was born. In the US only 11 ingredients are banned in cosmetics, in Europe there are more than 1,300 ... The numbers don't lie! ""

US PIRG shares a vision with Je'May: one day all beauty and personal care products will be safe for everyone. "This is the future I want for all of us," he wrote. We hope that by contacting this area and finding like-minded activists we can reach more consumers looking for a path to a toxic-free future.

For more information on Je'May's work, please visit her website: www.jemayward.com . Like Je'May and other beauty bloggers, US PIRG believes it is important to share helpful tips and guides for purchasing safe beauty products. Read our guide to buying cosmetics safely and our guide to avoiding talc products .

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