
Spring is here, it's spring cleaning time

The days are longer, the weather is warming up and spring is here. This means that it is officially spring cleaning time.

We have all heard the mantra: reduce, reuse, recycle. Always remember to reuse and reuse before recycling. Avoid the throw-away mentality and instead think of ways to reuse an item.

Start your spring cleaning by clipping first. Go room by room and explore your drawers and closets. Group items that you haven't used in a while. If you've forgotten you had the item or can't remember the last time you used it, this is probably a good indicator that you no longer need it. Expect. Before you recycle or dispose of it, see if there is a way to reuse or reuse it.

A simple internet search can help you find ideas for reuse and reuse. However, here are some ideas to get you started, as well as some other tips for spring cleaning:

If you have old furniture around, see if it can be replaced or covered. One of the latest trends is bicycle furniture. Do it yourself or find a booming business in your community.

Old fabrics, blankets, or sheets can be cut into smaller sections and used as rags.

Birthday cards or greeting cards can be used as waste paper or for craft projects.

Avoid as much waste as possible when cleaning. For example, when cleaning windows, mirrors, or surfaces, you can use old towels or rags instead of paper towels.

Items that you no longer want or need but still have a certain value can be donated or even sold. Even if they are of no use to you, someone else might find a need for them.

If reusing and reusing, rather than just throwing away items, can result in lower revenue for the Tehama County's Red Bluff Landfill through less recyclable products being put on the market,
Materials and reduced vehicle journeys to the landfill offer advantages such as extending the life of the landfill and conserving valuable natural resources. By diverting materials from the landfill, Tehama County can operate its landfill longer.

For more information on reuse and recycling in Tehama County, visit www.tehamacountylandfill.com or contact the Tehama County Solid Waste Agency at 528-1103.

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