
BBB: Digital spring cleaning keeps thieves in landfill

Spring cleaning is an annual event for many households. However, our digital devices are often overlooked when sorting, dusting and sorting. Think about how often you use it these days. Even before the coronavirus hit, we relied on our phones, laptops and tablets on a daily basis to conduct social media interactions, shopping and various browsing activities. Now there is work and distance learning too.

Your Better Business Bureau (BBB) ​​is reminding you that your digital devices require special attention for security reasons. These devices must be cleaned internally. (After all, you're using them enough to keep them safe from dust.) BBB and the National Cyber ​​Security Alliance have come up with tips to increase your security online. Add the following tips to your spring cleaning chores and reduce the clutter of your digital data:

· Customize your connection. Your security is at risk if you neglect the importance of the confidentiality of your accounts. This means that you should use long, unique, and securely stored passwords and passphrases. Always use 2-factor authentication if it is offered.

· Make your system and software glow by updating them as soon as you get these notifications. Don't take too long. The latest software, web browsers, and operating systems should always be used.

· Save backup copies of your most important files. Try the 3-2-1 rule: 3 backups, 2 different media types, and 1 offline in a separate location.

· Check for unused applications. Most of our phones and tablets come with apps that once seemed useful but were never used again. Get rid of those who fall into this category.

· Check your privacy settings on all social media accounts. Check your accounts and make sure you don't give out any personal information to strangers. Check again who has administrative access to these accounts. And keep your passwords private.

· Don't share too much. Social media testing is popular, but some can trick you into posting too much information publicly. Snoopers can use your answers to specific questions from the quiz to answer some of the security questions you've set up for different accounts. Be wary of questionnaires that ask questions like the street you grew up on, the vehicles you previously owned, your favorite foods, or the names of the schools you attended.

· Know who your friends are. Never accept friend requests from people you don't know. Pay special attention to requests for second friends from someone you are already friends with. The new request may be a scammer trying to access your friends and data list.

Getting rid of a digital device that you no longer need can be difficult. Much of your confidential information can be stored on your computers, phones, external hard drives, USB drives, and office machines such as copiers, printers, and fax machines.

Deleting a file and emptying the Recycle Bin is not enough. Use a program that will remove data, "erase" it from your files, and overwrite it with random data instead of your information. Once a device is clean, you can sell, trade or give it away, recycle or destroy it.

Think about your online security when doing a digital spring cleaning. For answers to other questions, contact your BBB at (800) 856-2417 or bbb. OR

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