
10 things you should clean with your pressure washer

You've probably seen a version of this video - a dirty brown driveway turns shiny after being doused with a jet of charged water. As anyone who's tried it at home can attest, what seems magical is a reality when you own a pressure washer. "Pressure washers are designed to spray water with sufficient power to remove stubborn dirt from exterior surfaces," said Eva Rodriguez, Home Depot pressure washer distributor. But is it really worth spending several hundred euros on a pressure washer (or pressure washer, as some call it)?

If you want a squeaky clean car, a pressure washer is a game changer. But what else can you do? Here, Rodriguez shared 10 different ways to use this wonderful tool to thoroughly clean your home and belongings. Instead of hiring a professional, clean some of them several times a year and it will pay off to buy.

The most popular ways to use a pressure washer

These are the reasons people end up with THD to buy one, no matter how many other functions they can perform.

1. Corridors

"Sidewalks are exposed to harsh weather conditions and a lot of foot traffic," says Rodríguez, but they can be difficult to clean in other ways when they're made of concrete. Step into the pressure washer, which can easily remove surface dirt.

2. Exterior of the house

Would you like to renovate this paint job without repainting your home? Or revive a suddenly dirty stucco? "All types of house facades can be high pressure washed, but siding and brick are the most popular," says Rodríguez.

3. Verandas

High pressure washing is not just about looks. "Cleaning a wooden deck [with a pressure washer] also improves safety as it prevents mold from forming after long rainy seasons," says Rodríguez. She recommends holding the nozzle 2 to 3 feet from the surface of the wood while you blow on it.

4. Fencing

If a painted surface is already peeling and needs to be removed, give your pressure washer a call.

5. Garden furniture

"Use a pressure washer to clean plastic, vinyl, or wood patio furniture," says Rodriguez, who advises doing this in an open space (like the backyard) so other items don't get wet.

Lesser known but also great ways to use a pressure washer

Anyone in doubt about this purchase might be interested in what you can do with the other.

6. Preparation for painting

You can use your high-pressure cleaner to clean all external surfaces before painting. This includes patio furniture, fences, or even the outside of the house.

7. Stairs and hallways from the main entrance

Would you like to immediately increase your attractiveness for the curb? Check out the porch. "The stairs and hallways in your home probably need to be cleaned thoroughly," says Rodríguez. "A pressure washer does the job in 10 minutes!"

8th basin

"Using a pressure washer to remove dirt from between tiles is a good late summer project," says Rodriguez. "Empty your pool and let it dry completely. Sweep up the accumulated dirt. Start washing the walls with a pressure washer from the bottom up and remember to catch any algae that may grow. "

9. Outdoor toys

Use the low setting on your pressure washer to clean bikes, carts, slides, and games, Rodriguez says. "Start with a 40 degree nozzle as these surfaces can dig easily. Make sure you use non-toxic soap on children. friendly surfaces ".

10. Trash can

To remove odors and germs from residual waste, run the cans once with the high-pressure cleaner. Rodríguez advises "leaving just enough detergent-water mixture on the bottom of the container to clean the inside, leaving it to rest for an hour, then removing it and spraying the sides."

How to choose a pressure washer

According to Rodríguez, the two most important factors to consider are: How often are you going to use it? And what types of cleaning do you want to use it for? "The cleaning performance of a pressure washer is measured in pounds per square inch, or PSI, and gallons per minute, or GPM," says Rodriguez. "These measurements give you an idea of ​​how much force and pressure the washing machine is generating and how quickly it is cleaning."

For lighter projects such as washing cars and cleaning garden furniture, Rodriguez recommends the cordless cold water cleaner ONE + 18V EZClean 320 PSI 0.8 GPM . Look for lighter models as well as additional features like an adjustable nozzle, steel rod or an integrated detergent package. "The power cord must also have a built-in RCD to prevent electric shock," Rodríguez adds.

For "a large number of daily cleanings" he recommends the RYOBI 2300 PSI 1.2 GPM electric high-pressure cleaner .

And for more frequent or more intensive cleaning , models with gas pressure consumption are just right for you. (If you're buying one to clean your patio, siding, and driveway regularly, this might be the way to go.) "This guy has a longer reach too, cleaning up to three times as far as most electric washing machines," says Rodriguez. . "Look for a gasoline pressure washer rated at 2,000 to 3,100 PSI and up to 2.5 GPM. Features to consider include a high quality OHV engine, a sturdy frame with large wheels, or a professional steel spray lance with multiple spray nozzles. . "

And finally, Rodriguez recommends the cold water high pressure cleaner RYOBI 3300 PSI 2.3 GPM with Honda GCV190 idling for "strong washes" .

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