
How to clean the iron plates with a common cosmetic article - TIPS | Express.de

Whether or not you use your straightening iron, you can still harbor a ton of bacteria disguised as an invisible layer of dirt, and the straightening irons you use to style your hair can be just as bad. If you could see the damage, you might have to think twice about using these items on your clothes and hair. Regular can prevent your ceramic appliances from damaging the contact surfaces, and that's exactly done.

How to clean the straightening plates

Washing our towels and even our hair goes without saying, but many of us overlook the importance of cleaning the dishes of our beloved straighteners.

If you don't clean the straightener, dirt and grime can build up and damage not only your styling tool but your hair as well.

They were likely in duffel bags or dusty closets during containment, but now it's time to clean them up.

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Before cleaning a ceramic surface that gives off heat, such as

Unlike most things that can be cleaned with water, mixing electrical appliances with a splash of H2O is a big no-go.

Fortunately, there are several safe solutions for cleaning these surfaces, from to biodegradable baby wipes that work.

You only need a few household items to clean your ceramics in no time.

Dishes can often turn brown or look burnt when dirty, so scrub really hard if you notice it on your iron or iron.

How to clean an iron

There are many ways to clean the base of an iron without damaging your clothes the next time you use it.
Vinegar napkin

A small towel in to is a way to dirt, dust or particles to be removed, which could discolor the iron.

All you have to do is soak a towel in vinegar and then place the iron on the towel with the iron facing down. Let it sit for half an hour before cleaning.

  • Vinegar is especially helpful if your iron is corroded, so be sure to try it for a versatile solution.
  • Use a cotton swab to clean the crevices of your iron for a thorough clean; You will be amazed at what is hidden in these steam bags.

Baking soda cleaning paste

Whether straightening irons or straightening irons, this tip is the only exception to using water on ceramic surfaces.

The cleaning miracle, is resistant to stains and dirt.

Make a stain-resistant paste with just two tablespoons of baking soda and one tablespoon of water.

Gently rub the iron plate with a cotton ball or cotton ball.

  • If you get some paste into the iron's steam holes, squeeze it out with the tip of the cotton swab.
  • The key is to use very little water to create a thick paste to avoid a dangerous iron encounter.

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