
Best Green Carpet Cleaning Methods - Blue and Green Morning

Cleaning the house can be tricky for those who are environmentally conscious and want to find a more environmentally friendly way to go. Many cleaning products come with excessive packaging or contain harmful chemicals that harm the health of the planet and humans. The good news is that there are some great ways to clean your home in a more environmentally friendly way.

Carpet cleaning is no exception to this problem. Many carpet cleaners contain ingredients that are harmful to the environment or require the purchase of plastic containers that cannot be recycled. This article explains the best ways to keep your carpet as green as possible!

Green carpet cleaning tips

Dirty carpets are bad for the environment and your health, but some cleaning practices are bad for the planet too. Fortunately, there are some of the most effective green carpet cleaning tips out there. You can significantly reduce your carbon footprint by following the tips below.

Vacuum frequently

Vacuuming frequently means you are demarcating dirt and debris on your carpet and preventing them from building up. This means you won't have to do a thorough cleaning as often as it will remove a lot of dirt from the fibers. Vacuuming also makes cleaning itself more efficient and prepares your carpet for the green cleaning. It's a surprisingly easy way to make your life greener .

Follow the stain treatment

If you keep stains under control by cleaning locally, you can delay deep cleaning and thus make your cleaning methods more environmentally friendly. To remove individual stains from your carpet, try natural stain removal methods. These can vary depending on the stain, for example salt or sparkling water for wine stains or corn starch for oil stains. Doing this with things you already have in your kitchen is much better for the planet and means you won't have to do a thorough cleaning as often.

Make your own eco-friendly cleaning products

When it comes to cleaning your carpet thoroughly, the goal is also to keep it as environmentally friendly as possible. Here it can be difficult to find products that are good for the environment, so it's best to make them yourself! This way you know exactly what is in your detergent and you don't have to worry about overpacking either.

For an easy DIY recipe, just combine white vinegar with water in a spray bottle and voila - your very own carpet cleaner, made with something you probably already have in your kitchen. This cleaner contains no harmful chemicals, so you don't have to worry about what you're getting into the air.

Just start with small areas and spray the solution directly onto the carpet evenly and without saturating or soaking it. Sponge the carpet down with a reusable cloth and let it air dry for several hours before someone steps on it. It's a great way to remove stains and odors in an environmentally friendly and inexpensive way!

Let the carpet cleaning professionals do the work

There are many ways you can clean your home without harming the planet . However, sometimes it is better to work with a professional.

Many carpet cleaning professionals will now use environmentally friendly products that are safe to use with pets and children as well. In addition to thoroughly cleaning your carpets to keep them looking fresh, the process also removes particles and improves the air quality in your property.

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