
WLSSD Tips for Eliminating Fall Lawn Cleaning - Fox21Online

DULUTH, Minnesota. - When you started collecting leaves in your garden, you may not know that you really shouldn't throw bags of them in your usual trash cans.

The Western Lake Superior Health District wants you to leave all litter from this garden at their facility at 27th Avenue West in Duluth. You can bring in leaves, grass, and shrub cuttings while you tidy up your yard before the snow falls. All of this becomes organic material that can help plants grow.

"It's also not legal to throw things like grass, sticks, and other organic waste like your leaves in the trash, so we'd like to offer a service where people can bring this material and then make something good out of it for us too, community converted into compost, "said Sarah Lerohl, coordinator of the WLSSD environmental program.

The warehouse is open from Friday to Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and will be supplemented on Thursdays and Mondays from October 14th to November 22nd.

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