
5 easy tips for removing ink stains from clothes - OrissaPOST

Unexpected ink spills can ruin a wonderful day, but don't worry! With the right measures, you can prevent irreparable damage to your valuable white T-shirt or expensive evening dress. With a variety of cleaning products and techniques to remove those ink stains, we've got you covered, whether it's a ballpoint pen accident or a permanent marker error.

1. Rub the wet stain:

• Begin by blotting as much of the wet ink stain as possible with a clean white cloth or paper towel.
• Place a clean cloth under the garment to prevent the stain from spreading.
• Keep rubbing until you can't remove any more ink.

2. Treatment of pen, fountain pen or marker pen stains:

• Rub alcohol on a clean white cloth or sponge and gently blot the stain.
• Avoid rubbing alcohol on acetate, silk, wool or rayon.
• Polyester garments can be treated with isopropyl alcohol.

3. Treating Dry Spots:

• Make a mixture of glycerin and dish soap and rub both sides of the dried stain with a white cloth.
• Let the garment sit for a few minutes before rinsing in cold water.
• Glycerin works well on most fabrics, including silk.

4. Combat Washable Ink Stains:

• Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it to the ink stain with a cotton ball.
• Rub the stain until the ink comes off, then wipe off the paste with a clean cloth or paper towel.
• Baking soda is effective on erasable inks such as ballpoint pens.

5. Commercial Dry Cleaning For Stubborn Stains:

• For heavier fabrics or permanent marker and ink stains, use a commercial dry cleaner according to package directions.
• Then dab the stain with a clean cloth soaked in cold water.

By following these tips, you'll be well-equipped to counteract ink stains on various fabrics and restore your clothes to their former glory. Remember to act quickly and treat stains carefully for best results. Good location!

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