
10 ways to motivate yourself to brush


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I've already shared my tips and tricks on cleaning my house, but it's difficult to start with a product that I use at certain times.

An obvious solution (so obvious I did not realize it for a moment!) It helped me realize that I'm not the only person living here, and I do not have to do it myself - either!

Spending a few days with small children, traveling frequently, or focusing on ongoing business projects can mobilize all my energy and get rid of our cleaning program.

Why are we overwhelmed?

Although a clean house is desired, it is easy to lose the motivation to really clean it. These are some of the most common reasons why I do not want to clean:

  • Fatigue : It's understandable, especially if you have small children! Cleaning is sometimes the last thing that can be done after a long day.
  • It looks like a great project : if you have a messy house, keeping it seems to last forever (in reality, it probably will not take more than a few hours).
  • I do not want to clean for all : If you are the main household cleaner , sometimes it can be tiring to look for other people.
  • I just cleaned! - Sometimes it seems like you are clean and then you know that there is chaos again. Nobody wants to start cleaning again!
  • Employees : Be it a working mother, a mother at home, or a mother at home, you do not have much more time. There does not seem to be a single task to add to your task list.
  • Overwhelming: This is a big one. At first, many of us simply feel overwhelmed by the confusion.

For all these absolutely legitimate reasons that we do not want to cleanse, we still have to do it. These were some tips that helped me stay motivated, even though I really did not want to.

How to motivate yourself to clean (even if you really do not want it)

It has to be done, whether we want to clean or not. We have tried these methods for cleaning the house and they usually work!

First clean

In every family there is usually a "decent" and "less ordinary" variation. If it's normal, you'll probably be a little upset about how much you're cleaning in relation to your family members (just a guess).


But it's never useful (for you or others). Instead of thinking about an annoying cleaning, nobody helps. Think of it as something you do to make your environment comfortable and enjoyable for you. If you are looking for a decoration, reward yourself with an extra step to improve your space that you will really enjoy, such as:

Start small

If you are overwhelmed by the confusion and do not know where to start, first find a way. Some people like to pick a category of things they want to record. For example garbage or toys. When this category is removed from chaos and eliminated, they switch to another category.

Another tactic is to select a small room, for example part of the kitchen counter, and clean that room first. Then move to another location. When you become small and select only one task at a time, you can see what to do and do not feel overwhelmed.

Start early (eat this frog)

Author Brian Tracy has written a book based on a quote from Mark Twain: "If you want to eat a frog, it's better to do it in the morning." The day will make you more productive and happier.

If you brush early, you'll have the rest of the day to do something else (and enjoy your own home!).

For most people, the morning is when they have more energy for cleaning. However, find your personal time full of energy and do it for cleaning.

Create a cleaning routine and a schedule

Create a cleaning plan that works and motivates you. A clean day may work for some, but not for everyone. Small blocks of time work well for most people. For example, you can schedule 25 minutes for cleaning and then pause for 5 to 10 minutes. This type of time block is perfect for mothers of small children, but works for others as well.

Since you work in small blocks, you can concentrate 100% on your work. In addition, the promise of a break helps to maintain motivation. Use a timer to track your time blocks and breaks. You'll be surprised what you can do in an hour or two.

You can also assign specific tasks to specific days of the week. In this way you can achieve anything without having to do too much on a particular day. Also, print out a cleaning checklist to find out which cleaning tasks need to be performed. For the sake of simplicity, this list is distributed in the room of the house (living room, bathroom, dining room, etc.).

If you are discouraged by the idea of ​​having children and setting up a schedule, I recommend this book to teach children how to clean workspaces.

Make a game

If you find it helpful to use a timer for your cleaning blocks, you should turn it into a game that also involves children. Set the timer in a short time (10 minutes is a good amount) and see how many toys you can collect during this time. You can also use a stopwatch and see how fast you can clean the kitchen (and then try to spend time tomorrow). In our house, we like to use this visual timer so children can play with it.

to organize

There's nothing worse than having to walk around the house to find the supplies you need. Instead, create a cleaning station that contains all of your natural cleaning products and brushes. I like Branch Basics cleaners because they are herbal, safe and effective, but they are also versatile and I can use a cleanser for most of the house.

Listen to music or podcasts

One of the reasons why it is difficult to motivate him to clean is that we would rather do something else. But if you hear happy music or a favorite podcast, you can clean up while you have fun. We even know that we use this time to listen together to a motivational TED or audio book.

Make it a family event

Since it is only a matter of helping children, there is a cleaning rule in our house: It is the responsibility of the family. It may be easier to do everything yourself, but it may not be the best plan! Children have to learn to pay attention to their environment.

The more hands you have on the deck, the faster your cleaning will be and the more you can finish and be ready for a while. It's a win-win situation. When cleanliness becomes a family affair, you'll be surprised it's really fun!

Think of the end

It's easy to get discouraged when you need to clean, but you do not want to do it. But to stay motivated, think in the end. Think about how nice it will be to relax in your beautiful room or open the door for a surprise. Think about how much less stress you will have when everything is OK. It's worth it (and I bet it will take less time than you think).

Reward yourself

A reward is a great motivator! Reward yourself with a cup of tea, dinner, or family outing after a cleansing period or cleaning kit. When you wait for your reward, you stay motivated and focused.

Are you already motivated

The next time you feel discouraged, read these tips to improve your cleaning motivation. I've even made a list for children (and for me, let's be honest) to inspire them in the days when we do not feel it. That helped me a lot and I'm sure you can add more good ideas!

What is your best advice to stay motivated when you do not feel like it?

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