
Tips for owners when it comes to your fireplace

WAUSAU, Wisconsin (WAOW) - At this time, temperatures are below average for this time of year and as temperatures drop, household fires seem to be rising. However, officials say that everything can be avoided from home.

It may be easier to clear the chimney, but according to experts, this may not be the best idea. "There is creosote that accumulates in a chimney, and ... creosote is as combustible as gasoline," said BJ Marcell, vice president of Marcell Specialties.

Regardless of whether your house has a wood burning fireplace or a gas fireplace, it is always important that you inspect it. Marcell even said that if he wants to use his house this year, he strongly recommends cleaning it.

"Wood is obviously creosote, and in gas we have spiders that collect in the burner, attracted by the mercaptan contained in the gas, which prevents proper gas flow," Marcell said.

The risk of not cleaning your chimney can cause a fire in the chimney. If this spark is not properly installed, the fire can spread to other parts of the house.

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