
Four safety tips for cooking Thanksgiving

BLACKSBURG, Virginia - Among children, friends, and watching what happens in the oven at what time, preparing a Thanksgiving meal can be overwhelming and sometimes food safety corners are cut.

That's why Dr. Robert Williams, food safety expert and professor at Virginia Tech, the safety tips everyone should be aware of so that no one gets sick. Food origin

"It's important that they understand that their handling procedures have a major impact on the safety of this product," said Williams.

It all starts with the proper thawing of a turkey. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of Disease recommend turkey to thaw in the refrigerator, which can take several days.

Williams added that turkeys should be cooked within two days of complete thawing. You can also use a turkey thawing microwaveware or a leak-proof plastic bag dipped in cold water in the sink.

"We have to change this water every 30 minutes," Williams said. But we only want to use the cold water tap, not the hot water side. "

Remember, it is important that you never rinse raw meat in the sink.

"We do not want to rinse unpacked turkeys in the sink, as this can spread splashes of water everywhere and this presents a real challenge in cross-contamination," said Williams.

Then he said to four steps:

  1. clean
  2. secluded
  3. Cook
  4. cooling down

Wash your hands and clean all utensils and surfaces before, during and after cooking. Separate raw meat from foods that do not need to be cooked.

"We do not want raw meat and poultry to use the same cutting boards, surfaces, and utensils that you use to make a salad," Williams said.

When cooking, set the oven to 325 ° F less and make sure that the thicker parts of the turkey have an internal temperature of 165 ° F

Once all are ready, Williams should cut the meat and keep the leftovers in the refrigerator within two hours to allow the meat to cool properly.

"At these warmer temperatures, some bacteria can grow and cause foodborne diseases," Williams said. "Salmonella, E. coli, but also Clostridium Perfringens"

Above all, take into account the temperature control and do not forget to clean, separate, cook and cool.

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